Bonsai clubs in the United States
Joining a Bonsai club is greatly recommended to start and progress in the Bonsai hobby. Besides workshops most clubs organize tours, contests and exhibitions; a great way to learn as much as you please about growing Bonsai. Inside the United States about 183 Bonsai clubs and organizations were founded, most of them member of the American Bonsai Society (ABS) or one of the regional Bonsai societies (find a list below). Please contact us to submit missing/updated club information.
Bonsai clubs and societies in the USA
Choose your state
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Regional Bonsai societies in the US
Bonsai Clubs of Florida (BSF)
28 local Bonsai clubs and societies in the state of Florida.
The Golden State Bonsai Federation (GSBF)
65 local Bonsai clubs and societies in the state of California.
Louisiana Association of Bonsai Societies (LABS)
6 Local Bonsai clubs and societies in the state of Louisiana
(no website) email: awBonsai (at)
Lone Star Bonsai Federation (LSBF)
10 local Bonsai clubs and societies in the state of Texas.
(no website) email: TexBonsai (at)
Mid-America Bonsai Alliance (MABA)
32 Member clubs in the states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Ontario, and Wisconsin.
MidAtlantic Bonsai Societies (MABS)
11 Member clubs in the states: CT, DE, NY, NJ, PA, and RI.
Pacific Northwest Bonsai Clubs Association (PNBCA)
19 Member clubs in the states: BC (Canada), ID, MT, OR, and WA.
Potomac Bonsai Association (PBA)
12 Member clubs in the states: MD, PA, VA and Washington D.C.
ALABAMA - Birmingham
Alabama Bonsai Society - Meets at Birmingham Botanical Gardens Auditorium, 2612 Lane Park Road, Birmingham, Alabama, the 2nd Monday each month at 7pm. Contact: Oscar Ethridge, President, by telephone (205) 414-3900 or by E-mail. We are a group of individuals that seek the pleasure of creating and maintaining Bonsai. We enjoy have workshops and experiencing other society members work. We have a spring show with excellent quality trees.
ALABAMA - Decatur/Huntsville
The Living Art Bonsai Society - Meets the third Saturday of the month at the Kids Kount Daycare, 23631 AL Hwy 24, Trinity, AL at 1:00 pm. Contact: Phil Terry (256) 565-6266 Email: LivingArt.HSV(at)
ALABAMA - Mobile
Azalea City Bonsai Society - Meets at Mobile Botanical Garden in Langan Park, first Tuesday, 7:30 PM. Started in 1979 specializing in large, single- trunk azalea-Bonsai. Shows spring and fall of each year. Host of regional show every third year. Contact: Joe B. Day,(251) 344-5873. Email: acbsBonsai (at)
ALASKA - North Pole
Borealis Bonsai Club - Meets at 2653 Tenakee Way, North Pole, Alaska. Six meetings a year (May-October), first Saturday of each month, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. Contact founders Kevin & Lorri Heneveld at Borealis Bonsai & Landscaping, P.O. Box 57262, North Pole, AK 99705 or call (907) 488-5786
ARIZONA - Payson
Bonsai of Payson - Meets at 905 N. Hillcrest, Payson, first Monday, 7:00 pm. Larry Mueller, 905 N. Hillcrest, Payson, AZ. (602) 474-3370. Shows on Earth Day in April and at County Fair in September.
ARIZONA - Phoenix
Phoenix Bonsai Society - Meets at Valley Garden Center, 1809 N. 15th Ave., first three Tuesdays, September through May, 7:30 PM. Beginning in the Fall of 2016, we will be meeting on Wednesdays (no longer on Tuesdays). Elsie Andrade, 2026 W. Northview, Phoenix, AZ 85021, (602) 995-3870.
ARIZONA - Scottsdale
Bonsai of Scottsdale meets at Via Linda Senior Center, 10440 E Via Linda near Shea Blvd. The first and third Saturdays of the month at 1:30PM Contact Fairlee Winfield at 480-860-9348.
ARIZONA - Tucson
Tucson Bonsai Society, Inc. Meets every third Sunday 11:00 AM to 3:30 PM at Tucson Botanical Garden, 2150 N. Alvernon Way (just south of the Grant and Alvernon Way intersection). For information contact: Gregory A. Baumgartner, (520) 762-1572 or by E-mail. Annual seminars and workshops with instruction by a nationally known Bonsai master & teacher to aquire new skills and techniques. Field trips to the mountains for collection of native specimens. We offer beginner classes consisting of 3 four hour sessions on consecutive Saturdays Courses include material selection, styling, Bonsai history, basics of care and Bonsai styles and types.
ARIZONA - Tucson
Southern Arizona Bonsai Enthusiasts. Meets every third Saturday 10:30 am at Desert Gardens Cumberland Presperterian Church, 10851 E. Old Spanish Trail. For information contact: Doris Cavanaugh, (520) 290-0522, E-mail: doris.c (at) or Loveda Petrie, (520) 886-2446, E-mail: veda27 (at)
Bonsai Society of Central Arkansas. Meets 4th Saturday of every month at 10:00 am at the Maumelle Public Libary, 10 Lake Pointe Drive, Maumelle, AR. Contact: Mike McCoy, 808-371-2042, E-mail: mike (at),
ARKANSAS - Hot Springs
Bonsai Club of Hot Springs. Meetings are the 1st Thursday of each month at 6 pm. at the Arkansas School of Math and Science (Meetings are held in the main conference room of the new building which is adjacent and west of the main building - old St Joseprh hospital), 200 Whittington in Hot springs. Contact: James Harwood, 1110 N Hwy 7, Hot springs, AR 71909, Phone: (501) 624-7779 or by Email: jharwood (at)
Bay Island Bonsai meets the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM, at the First Congregational Church located at 1912 Central Ave., Alameda CA. Contact: Boon Manankitivipart by E-mail: boon (at) Bay Island Bonsai is a Northern California organization founded in 1998 by Boon Manakitivipart. The organization came into being outof Boon's desire to improve standards in Bonsai, to produce a Bonsai exhibit, and to establish a group of dedicated Bonsai artists who could work and learn together. Website:
Kofu Bonsai Kai meets in Anaheim at United Methodist Church 1000 South State College Blvd. Anaheim 7:00 PM 3rd Saturday evening.
Orange County Bonsai Society meets the 4th Sunday of each month at 1 pm at the O.C.Buddhist Church,909 S. Dale St., just north of Ball Road in West Anaheim. Contact: Ken Schlothan at ocBonsai (at) Club displays trees on an altenate years at the Hannamatsuri Festival for the Church and has an annual Bonsai Show each June also at the Buddhist Church with a demostration on both days of the Show...Vendors and a hugh raffle.
Orange Empire Bonsai Society
P.O. Box 2114 La Habra, CA 90632
Email: marieminton (at)
Phone: (714) 429-6687
Santa Anita Bonsai Society. Meets at 301 N. Baldwin Ave., Arcadia, second Saturday of each month except July, August, and December, 7:30 PM. Jim Barrett, (818)445-4529.
Shohin Bonsai Society. Meets at Los Angeles Arboretum, 301 N. Baldwin Ave., Arcadia, second Wednesday, except July and August, 7:30 PM. Marty Hagbery, (818) 332-8381, or Edith Izant, 1021 Sierra Vista Dr., La Habra, CA 90631, (310) 691-3450. Bonsai 10 inches and under. Annual show second weekend in April.
Humboldt Bonsai Society. Meets at homes of members at varied dates. Karen Haas, PO Box 816, Trinidad, CA 95570, (707) 677-0636. Membership consists of individuals residing in several cities in the Humboldt Bay area.
CALIFORNIA - Castro Valley
Yamato Bonsai Club meets at the Castro Valley Womens Club, 18330 Redwood Road, Castro Valley, CA. every 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Demo, workshops, and plant critique. Annual Fall Show third Sat/Sun of October. Website: E-mail: lubedardjr (at)
Chico Bonsai Society. Meets at Pleasant Valley Recreation Center, 2320 North Ave., fourth Sunday, except July and August, 1:00 PM. Contact: Pat Gilmore (530) 343-3447. Website:
CALIFORNIA - Crescent City
Seacrest Bonsai Club. Meets at various locations, second Monday, October through May, 7:00 PM. Ted Weber, 288 W. 5th St., Crescent City, CA 95531, (707)464-4949. Annual exhibit on Memorial Day weekend in conjunction with the Azalea Festival in Brookings, OR.
Fresno Bonsai Society. Meetings are held on the second Saturday of the month at 9:00 a.m. in the Fresno City College Horticulture, except we are off for the months June, July and August. If you have any questions contact Steve DaSilva treekutter (at)
California Bonsai Society. Meets at 7:00 pm on first Friday at Ken Nakaoka Community Center, 1700 W. 162nd Street, Gardena, CA. Roy Nagatoshi, (818)362-5476. Annual Bonsai exibition in April at Huntington Library.
Dai Ichi Bonsai Kai. Meets on the third Friday of each month (except May and December) at the Gardena Valley Japanese Cultural Institute (GVJCI), 1964 W 162nd St, Gardena 90247 (West of Western Blvd.), at 7:00 pm. Each meeting features a bonsai demonstration, and a benefit raffle drawing. The public is welcome, and families are encouraged to attend. Our annual bonsai show and sale is held on the first weekend in May, where members and invited artists are encouraged to show off their best trees. You can learn more about Dai ichi Bonsai Kai, by attending our meetings, and by visiting and liking our Facebook page at or Website:
Hanford Bonsai Society, Inc. Meets at Kings County Civic Center Agriculture Building; 680 N. Campus Dr, Suite F (of the Ag Center), third Thursday at 7:00 PM. Contact: Bob Hilvers (559) 732-9286 Workshops, demos, informative group.
CALIFORNIA - La Canada (Flintridge)
Descanso Bonsai Society. Meets at Descanso Gardens, La Canada Flintridge, CA, 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 PM. Workshop and critique precede regular meeting, demonstrations and programs. Annual outdoor show in June. Contact: Jim Barrett, 480 Oxford Dr, Arcadia, CA 91007, telephone (818) 445-4529. e-mail: lizlikes (at) Website:
Modesto Bonsai Club. Meets the thrid Saturday of each month except Dec. from 10am - 2pm at the Blue Oak Nursery, 784 Albers Rd. near Hwy 132, Modesto - Members and visitors enjoy learning the art of Bonsai in the lakeside park setting of Blue Oak Bonsai Nursery. Mailing address is PO Box 578518, Modesto, CA 95357-8518. Contact: Jerry Jumper (209) 667-6701 or E-mail Website:
Napa Valley Bonsai Club. Meets at 1500 Jefferson, third Monday, 7:15 pm. Penny Pawl, PO Box 2220, Napa, CA 94558.Tel - (707) 224-8983 E-mail: pap1142 (at)
East Bay Bonsai Society. Meets at Lakeside Garden Center, 666 Bellevue, Oakland, second Wednesday, 7:30 pm. Max Cooperstein, PO Box 1575, El Cerrito, CA 94530. Full program of demonstrations at most meetings, beginners programs, workshops, nursery bus tours, spring and fall shows, and annual auction.
CALIFORNIA - Riverside
Inland Empire Bonsai Society. Meets at Botanic Gardens Conference Room, UC Riverside, 2nd Sun. except July and Aug. at 1:00 to 4:00 PM. Mrs. Knox, 3349 Dwight Ave., Riverside, CA, 92507 (909) 682-6623.
CALIFORNIA - Sacramento
American Bonsai Assoc. of Sacramento. Meets the fourth Tuesday each month at 7 pm. at the Sacramento Garden and Arts Center, 3330 McKinley Blvd, Contact: Simon Lau, Phone: (530) 622-9681 Email: NHCatLady (at) Website: The club has excellent educational programs, outreach to beginning Bonsai-ists, and high quality professional demonstrations.
Satsuki Aikokai Sacramento. Meets at the Shepard Garden Center, 3330 McKinley Blvd, third Monday each month at 7 at pm. Contact: Ronn Pigram Phone: (916) 428-8505 Email: satsukiaikokaisac (at) Satsuki Aikokai Sacramento Bonsai club IS the flowering Bonsai club. We grow and care for Bonsai Satsuki Azaleas with an eye toward our show in mid May when they are filled with flowers. Interested please come to our meetings!
San Diego Bonsai Club. Meets at Casa del Prado Bldg., Room 101, Balboa Park 2nd Sun. 11:00 AM. Club phone, (619) 699-8776. Active club of 200 members. Two shows a year spring and fall plus two bus trips and several socials. Website:
CALIFORNIA - San Francisco
Bonsai Society of San Francisco. Meets at Hall of Flowers, 9th Ave. and Lincoln Way 2nd Thurs. 8:00 PM. Mia Amato, (415) 285-6807. Spring exhibit.Our meeting place and contact information has changed and is available on our website
Kusamura Bonsai Club Meet every third Friday of the month at - St. Mark's Episcopal Church, 600 Colorado Ave., Palo Alto, in the Parish Hall. Meetings are at 7 PM with a basic workshop and 8 PM with a special presentation. Contact: Jerry Carpenter, E-mail: jcsf1090 (at) Website:
The Midori Bonsai Club. Meets the first and third Thursday of the month year round at 7:30 PM at St. Edwards Episcopal Church at Union Ave. and Hwy 85. 1st Thursday general meeting features lecture, demo, workshop or round robin format programs. 3rd Thursday is an open forum workshop for all comers. Visitors welcome!! Contact John Thompson (JT) at (408)371-7737.
Bay Area Shohin. Meets at several locations in greater San Francisco Bay area, Sunday, except July, Aug. and December, 1:30 PM. Bill Sullivan, 117 Jefferson Dr., Tiburon, CA 94920. (415) 388-5854. Informal meetings open to everyone interested in shohin (under 10 inches Bonsai). Dates and locations vary. Please write or phone for current schedule.
Hillsborough Bonsai Society. Meets at San Mateo Garden Center, 605 Parkside Way, third Friday, 7:30 PM. Barbara Bokeland, (415) 348-2835. Workshops, demos, lectures by guest speakers and club members, field trips and visual aids.
Sei Boku Bonsai Kai. Meets at 605 Parkside Way, fourth Wednesday, except December, 7:30 PM. Warren Clark, 889 Lurine Dr, Foster City, CA 94404, (415) 574-6074. Visitors cordially welcome. Annual exhibit first weekend in October.
CALIFORNIA - Santa Barbara
Bonsai Club of Santa Barbara. Meets at the Goleta Valley Community Center, 5679 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA. second Tuesday, except August and December, at 7:30 PM. Contact Joe Olson, PO Box 3703, Santa Barbara, CA 93103, (805) 964-0869, or E-mail: joeyuccaseed (at) Monthly programs, August and December Potlucks and raffles. Annual show and plant sale in May at Santa Barbara Botanic Garden. Website
CALIFORNIA - Santa Maria
Santa Maria Bonsai Club. Meets at Japanese Cultural Center, 134 N. Western, second Sunday, 9:00 AM to noon. Chris Ehrler, (805) 489-9046. Annual shows at San Luis Obispo and Santa Maria Obon Festivals and Santa Barbara County Fair.
Redwood Empire Bonsai Society meets at the Veterans Memorial Hall, 1351 Mapl, Santa Rosa, Ca. (across from the fairgrounds) the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Guest speakers/demonstratore are featured. Annual show the last weekend of August each year is one the the biggest in California and features over 150 trees. Website: E-mail: President (at)
CALIFORNIA - Temple City
Baiko-en Bonsai Kenkyukai. Meets at 5118 Barela Ave., second Sunday, 1:00 to 4:00 PM. Marty Hagbery, 5009 N. Willow Ave., Covina, CA 91724. (818) 331-8382. Annual Frank Nagata Memorial Show "Winter Silhouettes", invitational Bonsai exhibit at Los Angeles State and County Arboretum, Arcadia, CA, last weekend in January.
CALIFORNIA - Vacaville
Vaca Valley Bonsai Club. Meets at Community Presbyterian Church, 425 Hemlock St., second Tuesday, 7:00 PM. John Jackson, 4681 Midway Rd., Vacaville, CA 95688. (707) 446-1720. Mailing address: 592 Cottonwood, Vacaville, CA 95688
Sansui Kai of So. California. Meets the first Wednesday, 7:30 pm, at the Japanese Garden, which shares its address with Donald C. Tillman Water Reclamation Plant, 6100 Woodley Avenue, Van Nuys. Pre-meeting workshop 6:30 pm, bring plant, tools, and wire and get help from fellow members. March Installation Dinner and August potluck/auction at member residence, location TBA. Contact Michael Jonas, (818) 776-0813. Annual show in May at The Japanese Garden, 6100 Woodley Ave., Van Nuys, CA. John Naka, et al, founders. Visitors welcome.
CALIFORNIA - Westlake Village
Conejo Valley Bonsai Society. Meets the third Thursday of every month, 7:30 pm, at the Westlake Village City Hall/Community Room, 31200 Oakcrest Drive, Westlake Village, CA. Contact: Ken Fuentes, Pres. (805)495-7480 or by E-mail. Have you ever wanted to learn how to train and care for a Bonsai plant? Come to our monthly meetings and find out how from our resident experts and invited professionals. We can help you decide where to get plants, pots, supplies, and we have plenty of advice to help get you started. Novices and all ages are welcome to attend and light refreshments are served. We schedule field trips to local nurseries and suppliers and provide information on Bonsai shows and demonstrations. Our group puts on an annual display and demonstration show at the Gardens of the World on Thousand Oaks Blvd. in October. Website
California — Marin County
Marin Bonsai Club. Meets at the Terra Linda Community Center, 670 Del Ganado Rd, Room 4, San Rafael, CA 94903 7-930pm every first and third Tuesday of the month. Special presentation on the first Tuesday and open workshop on the third Tuesday. Visitors are welcome to attend any meeting. Visit us at
Rocky Mountain Bonsai Society. Meets at the Denver Botanic Gardens on the first Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 PM except in December. For more information go to our website
COLORADO - Fort Collins
The Bonsai Society of Northern Colorado has meetings on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm, and workshops on the second Saturday of each month, 1:00 to 3:00pm. We have shows in the spring and fall. All meetings, workshops and shows are at Fort Collins Nursery, 2121 E. Mulberry in Fort Collins. Contact: Barbara Rich, 970-663-3046.
COLORADO - Grand Jct
The Western Colorado Bonsai Society of Grand Junction. is available through e-mail: trehaus (at) we are a fairly new club but we have many informative and knowledgeable members. We have two shows a year and they are always in our newly installed (by us) Japanese garden at the WCCA in Grand Jct.
Yama Ki Bonsai Society meetings are held monthly usually at the Garden Education Center of Greenwich, 130 Bible St. Cos Cob CT 06807, the 2nd Saturday at 1:00 PM. Check our website for actual location and time. Contact: Michael Pollock, 914-764-5557 or E-mail mikepollock (at) Programs scheduled throughout the year offer a variety of topics related to Bonsai and include lectures, demonstrations, workshops and other activities designed to help the novice as well as appeal to the more experienced Bonsai enthusiast.
Bonsai Society of Greater Hartford. Meets at the Pond House at Elizabeth Park, Asylum and Prospect Avenues, in West Hartford on the 3rd Monday of every month7:00 PM. Our club picnic is held in June and the annual show is generally held in July. We do not officially meet during August, but have been using that month for road trips to local Bonsai nurseries for new or beginning members. Contact is Diana Majchrzak by E-mail. Website is
China Trade Bonsai Society. Meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month, March through November from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Conn College, New London Hall, 270 Mohegan Ave., Rt. 32, New London, Connecticut. Website:
Bonsai Society of Greater New Haven. Meets at Edgerton Garden Center, 145 Edgehill Rd., second Tuesday at 7:30 PM. The regular meetings of the Society are held from January through December. The August meeting is a members' picnic and the December meeting is members' holiday party. The contact form, form to join the club and schedule of events can be found on the website;
DELAWARE (Northern) - Wilmington
Brandywine Bonsai Society. Meets every third Saturday of the month (except December) at the Brandywine Town Center, Wilmington -West Chester Pike (Rte 202) & Naamans Road (Rte 92), at 10:00 AM. Varied programs include guest masters. Annual Bonsai shows in the courtyard of the Brandywine River Museum (Chadds Ford, PA) in June and at Longwood Gardens (Kennett Square, PA) in the fall. Contact: Steve Ittel,302-778-4546 or by e-mail BrandywineBonsai (at) Web site:
District of Columbia
Washington Bonsai Club. Meets at Administration Bldg., US National Arboretum, 2nd Saturday, except July and August, 2:00 PM. Dorothy Miller, c/o National Arboretum, 3501 NY Ave. NE, Washington D.C. 20002. Member of regional Potomac Bonsai Association that hosts spring and fall symposiums. Contact: Ross Campbell campbellr (at)
Potomac Bonsai Association. Meets every other month at the National Arboretum, 3501 NY Ave., NE, Washington, D.C. 20002, (301) 871-5768. The Potomac Bonsai Association is an "umbrella" organization of 12 Bonsai and viewing stone clubs in Washington D.C., Northern Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvannia. Our big event is the Potomac Bonsai Festival held in May at the National Arboretum in Washington D.C. Contact: Chuck Croft, 5256 Queens Wood Drive, Burke, VA 22015, phone (703) 978-6841or E-mail Website:
FLORIDA - Boca Raton
Lighthouse Bonsai Society. Meets at the Boca Raton Community Center, 150 N. W. Crawford Blvd., Boca Raton, FL, 4th Saturday, 9:30 AM. Contact: Rita Rosenberg, Phone: (516) 251-1802 or E-mail: riritobyrose (at) Lighthouse Bonsai Society is a group of novices as well as experienced enthusiasts. The more experienced are more than helpful. Our meetings are fun and educational. No cost to check us out. If interested, join. Annual membership is $25. We have Visiting Masters, Hands On Workshops, Demonstrations plus much more. Ask to be placed on our mailing list.
FLORIDA - Volusia County
KAWA Bonsai Society. the third Saturday of every month, unless otherwise noted on our website, at Schley's Bonsai and Supplies, 2745 Audubon Ave, Deland, Florida, 32720. Kawa Bonsai is a very active club just north of Daytona Beach. Besides monthly meetings, visiting artists, an annual three day show called the Joy of Bonsai, Kawa also participates in the statewide Convention of the Bonsai Societies of Florida. If you are interested in Bonsai, check us out on the web. All are welcome. Website:
Broward Bonsai Society. Meets the third Saturday of each month at 11 AM at Flamingo Gardens, 3750 Flamingo Rd., Davie, FL. Contact: Art Cid, Phone: (954) 261-0135 or E-mail. Bonsai classes start at 9am on Saturdays at Flamingo Gardens for beginers to advance. Meetings follow the class on the 3rd Saturday of every month. Website:
FLORIDA - Fort Lauderdale
Gold Coast Bonsai Society - Meets at City of Sunrise Parks & Leisure Department, 6800 Sunset Strip, Sunrise, Florida, the second Saturday, 9:30 AM Contact: Ed Trout, 954-432-8208. visit us online at:
FLORIDA - Fort Myers
Bonsai Society of Southwest Florida. The club meets the 3rd Saturday of each month at the Garden Council, 2166 Virginia Ave., Fort Myers, FL 33901. We have a variety of activities, such as demos, workshops, critiques, and an annual picnic and Christmas party.Our club has its annual show at the beginning of November. Contact: Martha Goff, (239)332-3850. Email: info(at), website:
FLORIDA - Fort Pierce
Treasure Coast Bonsai Society. Meets at St. Lucie Agriculture Center, 8400 Picos Rd., second Tuesday, 7:30 PM. Jim Smith, Vero Beach, FL, (772) 562- 5291.
FLORIDA - Ft. Walton Beach
Ft. Walton Beach Bonsai Society. PO Box 224, Shalimar FL 32579-0224 Meets at Okaloosa County Extension Bldg., 125 Hollywood Blvd. NW, Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548 1st Tues. & 3rd Thurs., 7 p.m.
FLORIDA - Gainesville
Gainesville Bonsai Society. PO Box 15383, Gainesville, FL 32604-5383 Meets at Kanapaha Botanical Gardens, 4700 SW 58th Dr., Gainesville, 3rd Sat. 9:30am
FLORIDA - Homosassa
Buttonwood Bonsai Club of Crystal River. 10 Boxelder Ct., Homosassa, FL 34446 - Meets at First Presbyterian Church, U.S. 19, Crystal River, FL 2nd Sat., 9:30 a.m.
FLORIDA - Lakeland
The Bonsai Society of Lakeland meets at 7 p.m. the 3rd Thursday of every month at the First United Methodist Church at 72 Lake Morton Drive in Lakeland. The current president is John Petterson. The club website is
Bonsai Society of Miami . Meets at Fairchild Tropical Garden, 10901 Old Cutler Rd., second Tuesday, 7:30 PM. Call Glenn Hilton at 305-796-9088 for more information. Mailing address is: Bonsai Society of Miami, PO Box 902094, Homestead, Fl 33090-2094 Web site: E-mail: Bonsaisocietyofmiami (at)
FLORIDA - Naples
Bonsai Society of Naples. Meets twice monthly at various locations. Ernie Fernandez, P.O. Box 704, Bonita Springs, FL 33959. (813) 947-3552 (home) or (813) 992-0800 (0fc). Annual spring exhibit. Annual sale, first Saturday of December.
FLORIDA - Orlando
Central Florida Bonsai Club. Meets at Orange County Agrigultural Center at the corner of Conway and Judge rd. in Orlando. Meetings are the second and fourth each month Friday, 7:30 PM. Contact Adam Lavigne, Phone: (407) 399-1224 or E-mail: president (at) The CFBC was founded in 1969 and is a member of BSF. We meet twice a month , once for a meeting and demo and once for a hands on workshop, no holds barred ,bring in what you want fun Bonsai night.
FLORIDA - Palm Bay
Bonsai Society of Brevard. 1263 Serenade St. NW, Palm Bay, FL 32907 - Meets at Melbourne Public Library, Fee Ave, Melbourne, FL, 3rd Saturday, 2 p.m. Website:
FLORIDA - Pensacola
Pensacola Gulf Coast Bonsai Society. Meets at Gulf Breeze Library, 1060 Shoreline Dr., Gulf Breeze, FL 32561, first Thursday, except July, 7:30 PM. Jean Jongewaard, 5262 Pale Moon Dr., Pensacola, FL 32515. (904) 492-1305.
FLORIDA - Port Charlotte
Charlotte Ichiban Bonsai Kai. Meets at Port Charlotte Cultural Center, Community Room , 2280 Aaron St., Port Charlotte, Florida 33952 on the fourth Tuesday, 7:00 PM. Jerry Oseland, (813) 625- 6468 or Robert Clifton, (813) 743-0829, or write to Charlotte Ichiban Bonsai Kai, PO Box 8023, Port Charlotte, FL 33952-8023. Everyone welcome. Workshop at Powell's Nursery every Saturday, 10:00 AM, a good stimulus for new membership.
FLORIDA - St. Petersburg
Suncoast Bonsai Society. Meets the 3rd Sat of the month at the Seminole Recreation Center, contact best through Facebook.
9100 113th St N Seminole, FL 33772 (727)391-8345
FLORIDA - Sarasota
Sho Fu Bonsai Society meets the first Thursday of each month, at 7:30PM at Waterside Retirement Estates, 4540 Bee Ridge Road, Sarasota, FL 34233 Contact: info (at)
FLORIDA - Tallahassee
Tallahassee Bonsai Society - meets every 2nd Sunday at 2pm at the County Extension office building on Paul Russell Rd. in Tallahassee (behind the fairgrounds). For more info contact: Les Lonsdale President, 229-726-5634 llonsdale (at)
Hukyu Bonsai Society of Tampa. Meets at USF Botanical Gardens., 4202 E. Fowler Ave, SCA 238, 3rd Sat., 10:00 AM. William B. Henderson, 10704 Lake Carroll Way, Tampa, FL 33618-4236. (813) 932-3714. A Club with high standards for Bonsai enthusiasts.
FLORIDA - West Palm Beach
Bonsai Society of the Palm Beaches meets at 7:30 PM the 1st Tuesday of each month at the Mount's Botanical Building, 551 N. Military Trail, West Palm Beach, FL. Contact: Dick Miller at (561) 432-1230 or byE-mail. BSPB is a friendly group of novices interested in learning Bonsai. Anyone is welcome, no cost. Join only if interested to do so. $25 annual membership. Bring us your tired, weary and downtrodden Bonsai we will give you assistance by experts. A newsletter is posted monthly and mailed to members.
Florida - Jacksonville
The North Florida Bonsai Club is located in Jacksonville, Fl and we meet the second Monday of each month at 7pm. Our meeting location is the Mandarin Demo Garden at 2892 Loretto Road Jacksonville, FL.
Contact Josh Brown Joshuareubenbrown1 (at) or 309-838-0259 for more information.
GEORGIA - Atlanta
Atlanta Bonsai Society. The majority of the monthly meetings are at Atlanta Botanical Gardens. Upon occasion (meetings will be noted on our website under events). Please check our site for dates of the meetings and workshops. For more information, contact: Dennis McHugh, Phone: (770) 436-5747, E-mail: dennismchugh (at)
HAWAII - Honolulu
Club 100 Bonsai. Meets at Club 100, 520 Kamoku St., fourth Thursday, 7:00 PM. Warren Yamamoto, 1526C Pukele Ave., Honolulu, HI 96816, (808) 523- 4603 (bus.) Affiliate of Club 100, the 100th Infantry's Veterans organization. Membership restricted.
Pacific Bonsai Club. Meets at 2907 Alphonse Place, third Tuesday, 7:00 PM. Lyle Takeuchi (808) 737-0408.
Rainbow Bonsai Club. Meets at 2673 East Manoa Rd., second Sunday, 9:00 AM. Wayne Arita, 2673 East Manoa Rd., Honolulu, HI 96822, (808) 988- 7775.
Wahiawa-Waialua Bonsai Club. Meets monthly at 94-074 Akualele Place. Richard Andrzejewski, (808)625-1885. Hawaii's oldest Bonsai club.
HAWAII - Pearl City
Pearl City Bonsai Club. Meets at 852 Second St.,third Tuesday, 7:00 PM. Bonsai exhibit, demonstration and plant sale in early May. Club organized in 1963.
IDAHO - Boise
Boise Bonsai Society For more information please contact: Barbara Gough, 893 E. Twin Willow Court, Boise, ID 83706, (208) 336-5769. E-mail: blg (at) Website:
ILLINOIS - Glencoe
Midwest Bonsai Society meets at Chicago Botanic Garden, 1000 Lake Cook Rd., Glencoe, IL, the first Monday, of each month at 7:30 PM. Contact: Midday Bonsai Society, P.O. Box 1373, Highland Park, Il 60036, or by e-mail at midwest.Bonsai (at) One of the largest clubs in the Midwest, MBS has been going strong in Chicago for over 30 years. Come see our two annual shows; our Spring show is the third weekend in May and our August show is the third weekend in August. Must see events! Website: and
ILLINOIS - Glen Ellyn
Prairie State Bonsai Society. Meets at College of DuPage, fourth Monday, 7:30 PM. The club hosts several programs, demonstrations, and lectures given by members, local masters, and visiting Masters from around the U.S. and Japan. We are one of the few clubs around that has our own Grow Plot where trees are raised and cared for by our members to be used for Master demonstrations, then raffled off to members. We also put on two annual shows. The first at the beginning of June and the other at the end of September or beginning of October. President: Mark Karczewski Contact: Prairie State Bosai Society, P.O. Box 2634, Glen Ellyn, IL. 60138-2634 Phone: (630) 257-7586 Website
Near West Bonsai Society. NWBS meets on the third Monday (Feb.-Nov.) at Maze branch library, 845 S. Gunderson Ave, Oak Park, IL 60304. 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. Contact Roger D. Thompson Roger (at) (708) 383-5267. Website:
Bonsai Club Heart of Illinois. Meets at Bio Center, Glen Oak Park, third Thursday, 7:30 PM. J. Horvath, Jr., 109 W. Almond Dr., Washington, IL 61571, (309) 745-5256.
ILLINOIS - Rock Island
Quad City Bonsai Club. Meetings listed on the website: Website:
ILLINOIS - Rockford
Rock River Bonsai Society. Meet at the Rock Valley Greenhouse & Garden Center, 785 N Bell School Road, Rockford, IL every third Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM -
ILLINOIS - Sandwich
De La Ke Bonsai Society. Meets at Fox Valley Older Adult Center, 1406 W Suydam Rd., Sandwich, IL. The second Saturday, 10:00 AM. Year-round. Please contact: Kevin H. Johnson, 215 19th Ave Naplate, IL 61350 or E-mail: de_la_ke_Bonsai_society (at)
ILLINOIS - Springfield
Springfield Bonsai Society. Meets at Washington Park Botanical Garden, 1740 W. Fayette, second Monday of each Month at 7:00 pm. We do not meet in the months of December and January. Contact: David M. Kerwin, 217-891-8853
The Springfield Bonsai Society welcomes Bonsai enthusiasts of all levels. Weconduct workshops for beginning and advanced students and host annual shows for the community.Website:
ILLINOIS - Carbondale
Southern Illinois Bonsai Society. We meet monthly, the second Tuesday of the month, at the Carbondale Unitarian Fellowship, 150 N Parrish Dr. Carbonsdale, IL 62901 at 7:00.
We can be reached at southernillinoisbonsai(at) We were established in 2023 are are rapidly growing. We feature monthly programs and have at least one annual workshop and yamadori event. You can see our current events on our Facebook page.
INDIANA - Elkhart
Michiana Bonsai Study (previously Wellfield Bonsai Study). Meets the 2nd Sunday of each month at 2 p.m (not in December). Our meeting site varies from month to month. For more information contact: Liz Borger by e-mail to ElkBonsai532 (at)
INDIANA - Evansville
Bogan's Bonsai Study Group meets at Dave Bogan's home on the first Sat. of the month, 10:00 am except for Jan. July, Oct. Dec. 2009. Contact: Dave Bogan, 101 Terry Lane, Lynnville, IN 47619, Phone(812) 922-5451, or by e-mail to bogansBonsai (at)
INDIANA - Ft. Wayne
Ft. Wayne Bonsai Club. Meets the 3rd Saturday each month at 10:30 a.m. Meetings are at various libraries, homes or the Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory, occasionally date change for conflicting events. Club meetings are designed for educating and sharing knowledge, skills and experiences. For meeting locations please contact Ed Hake, treasurer, (260) 747-0493 or by e-mail to edhake(at)aolcom. Facebook page : Fort Wayne Bonsai Club for meeting notices, information, pics or even ask questions..
INDIANA - Indianapolis
Indianapolis Bonsai Club. Meets on first Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm. Meetings are held at the Garfield Park Conservatory, 2450 Shelby St., Indianapolis, IN. President Mark Fields: maf71459 (at), Vice-President Carl Wooldridge: carlwool (at) Website
IOWA - Cedar Rapids
Eastern Iowa Bonsai Association. Meets at different locations monthly February-November on the third Thursday of each month, 7pm-9pm. Exact locations will be noted on the following main page of this website:
Contact is: Chris Burr, president, 319-389-3821
IOWA - Des Moines
Iowa Bonsai Association. Meets at Des Moines Botanical Center, 909 E River Dr., third Tuesday, except December, 7:00 PM. David Lowman, lowman (at), (515) 769-2446 or 800- 528-2827. Bonsai information and supplies offered in a showplace setting! Visitors very welcome.
KANSAS - Mission
The Bonsai Society of Greater Kansas City Society members meet each month (except July) at the Garden Center in Loose Park, 5200 Pennsylvania, Kansas City, MO for programs, demonstrations, and workshops. Meeting dates are irregular, check website - We also present several exhibits to which the general public is invited, including exhibits at the Japan Festival, and Powell Gardens. Contact: Brad Short by E-mail.
KANSAS - Wichita
Wichita Bonsai Club - Meets the 2nd Saturday each month at Hong's Landscape and Nursery at 8904 E. 31st Street S. Wichita, Kansas. The time is 9:30-11:30 a.m.
New members welcome: any age, any bonsai skill level.
KENTUCKY - Henderson
Greater Evansville Bonsai Society. Meets at The Henderson County Public Library, first Wednesday, 6:30 PM. The club sponsors at least two shows per year, Four to five demonstrations with masters, vendor sales twice per year, club workshops and lectures fill up the remaining months of the year. We also hold an annual Trade Fair and auction each September featuring at least 12 Bonsai vendors, demonstrations and a auction. This event is held at the river front park in Henderson KY and is open to the public. Contact: Dave Bogan (812) 922-5451 E-mail
KENTUCKY - Louisville
Greater Louisville Bonsai Society. Meets monthly at the Bon Air Regional Library, 2816 Del Rio PlaceLouisville, Kentucky. Check website for date/time of meetings
LOUISIANA - Baton Rouge
Louisiana Bonsai Society. Meets at Baton Rouge Garden Center, 7950 Independence Blvd, third Tuesday at 7:00 pm. Contact: Howard Merrill at (225) 275-2917 Shows at the Garden Center, April and November.
LOUISIANA - Lafayette
Bonsai Society of Acadiana. Meets at University of Louisiana (at) Lafayette Horticulture Center, Johnston St., first Wednesday, 7:00 PM. Contact: Bonsai Society of Acadiana P.O. Box 51906 Lafayette, La. 70505-1906 or Johnny Hardcastle at 337/365-4829 or e-mail address jmh6344 (at)
LOUISIANA - Lake Charles
Lake Charles Bonsai Society meets at McNeese State Univ., Frasch Hall, Lecture Hall 101, Beauregard Drive at Ryan Street, third Tuesday, 7:00 PM. Contact: Dennis Corley, President, P.O. Box 1652, Lake Charles, LA 70602, Phone: (409) 866-5803 E-mail: awBonsai (at) Check website for driving directions.
LOUISIANA - New Orleans
Greater New Orleans Bonsai Society. Meets at St. Andrews Church hall, 8017 Zimple St., second Tuesday, 7:30 PM. Johnny Martinez, (504) 467-2857. Meeting date may change in months we have guest speakers.Annual Society Show is in May at the Botanical Gardens in City Park in the Annual Greater New Orleans Spring Garden Show. WEBSITE:
LOUISIANA - Shreveport
Shreveport Bonasi Society- Meets Monthly at the Barnwell Art and Garden Center. 801 Clyde Fant Memorial Parkway, on the second Saturday 1:00pm. Annual Spring Show and Workshop. For more info contact: Robert Specian (318) 227-0744, E-Mail rspecian (at) Website:
MAINE - Bangor
Bangor Area Bonsai Society. Meets third Sunday, 3:00 to 6:00 PM. Barbara Friedman, 1229 Broadway, Box 417, Bangor, ME 04401. (207) 947- 5588. Variety of meeting locations in and around Bangor. Bangor garden show every April.
MARYLAND - Baltimore
Baltimore Bonsai Club. Meetings are normally held on the fourth Sunday of every month at convenient locations for the members, typically 12:00 noon - 5:00 PM. Information for meetings, upcoming events, workshops, and study groups are posted on our website Contacts are: Fritz Lages (410) 349-7063, Bill Petterson (President) (410) 593-7578 or (410) 598-3586. Email our club at BaltimoreBonsaiClub(at)
MARYLAND- Regional
Maryland Bonsai Association. Meetings are generally held on the 4th Sunday of every month. Meetings are held at convenient locations for the members, typically 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM. Information for meetings, upcoming events, workshops, and study groups are posted on our website Email Michael Ecker, President, at MarylandBonsai(at) for any information.
MARYLAND - Bethesda
Brookside Bonsai Society. Meets at Chevy Chase Recreation Center, third Thursday, 7:30 pm. Jim Hughes (301) 779-2891.
Bowie Bonsai Club. Meets at Bowie Community Center, last Monday, 7:00 pm. Terry Adkins, (301) 350-3586.
Mei-Hawa Penjing Society. Meets at Bowie Community Center, second Sunday, 1:00 pm. Akey C. F. Hung, 12412 Shadow Lane, Bowie, MD 20715. (301) 390-6687.
MARYLAND - Clinton
Kiyomizu Bonsai Club. Meets the 4th Sunday at 2:00PM at the Clearwater Nature Center. Essie Wilson wilsone (at)
MARYLAND - Shady Side
Shady Side Bonsai website: - Location: Shady Side, Maryland Contact: Tachigi (at) Meetings: 2nd Thursday of the month
Cape Cod Bonsai Club. Meets every 2nd Monday 7:00PM at the Yarmouth Senior Center, on Forest Rd. Contact Andy Amault at email: A.Amault (at) for directions to meetings and for exhibition schedules.
Northeast Bonsai Association (founded in 1968). Our monthly meetings are held at the Clubhouse at the Topsfield Fairgrounds 207 Boston St Topsfield, MA. We usually meet on the second Sunday of the month at 1:30. The contact person is Joe Thomas at northeastbonsai(at) or
The Bonsai Society of Greater Springfield Meetings start at 7:00 PM and the location veries please visit our web site for meeting Location and other details. Members of the group learn the art of Bonsai, through instruction, hands-on activities and in preparation for Bonsai display in local areas and events.
MASSACHUSETTS - Greater Boston Area
Bonsai Study Group (founded in 1965). Meetings on the first Sunday of each month can be hands-on workshops, lectures, or demonstrations. We encourage shared learning as members work on their trees. The club also hosts a bonsai display at the Boston Flower & Garden Show each spring. Newcomers are welcome - E-mail:
MASSACHUSETTS - Martha's Vineyard
Martha's Vineyard Bonsai Club. Meets at the Polly Hill Arboretum, 809 State Road, West Tisbury, MA,on the second Tuesday of the month at 7 PM no meetings Dec. and Jan. The contact person is Dan Harnen, P.O. Box 4919, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568, Phone: (508) 693-9788. E-mail: Tashmoodan (at) AOL.Com
MICHIGAN - Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor Bonsai Society. Meets at Matthaei Botanical Garden, 1800 N. Dixboro Rd., 4th Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM. Contact: Ryan Liu by phone: 313-421-1917 or e-mail: aabsnewsletter (at) yahoo.comThe Ann Arbor Bonsai Society was founded in 1970. The purpose shall be to promote knowledge, appreciation, and practice of the art of Bonsai to its members and to the general public through meetings, lectures, workshops, exhibitions, publications or other means. The Society holds regular meetings, workshops, an annual show and several informal gatherings for members and their guests. Meetings are held monthly, with the exception of December, on the last Wednesday of the month. Club Newsletter.
MICHIGAN - Tri Cities
San Toshi Bonsai Society meets the third Thursday of each month. Please contact Dan Brinker at (989) 750-3145 or santoshibonsai(at)
MICHIGAN - Kalamazoo
Bonsai Society of Kalamazoo meets the 2nd Sunday of each month at 1 PM, at the Girl Scout Headquarters, located at the corner of Maple and Crosstown in Kalamazoo. Contact: Eric Newton, Phone:(269) 731-3850 or E-mail: newtsBonsai (at) Founded in 1980. Visitors are always welcome. The Bonsai Society-Kalamazoo (BS-K) is a nonprofit, educational organization whose aim is to promote knowledge, appreciation, enjoyment, and interest in the ancient Oriental arts of Japanese Bonsai and Chinese Penjing. It is affiliated with the American Bonsai Society (ABS), the MidAmerican Bonsai Alliance (MABA), Bonsai Clubs International (BCI); and the National Bonsai Foundation, Washington, D.C. Website:
MICHIGAN - Traverse City
Sakura Bonsai Society of Northern Michigan - The club meets the second Wednesday of each month March thru October 6:30pm at the Grand Traverse Conservation District nature center on Cass Rd. Traverse City MI.
Email address: sakuraBonsaiNM(at)
MICHIGAN - Tri-Cities
The San Toshi Bonsai Club meets the third Thursday of each month at Bay Landscaping, 1630 N Southeast Boutell, Essexville, MI. Contact: Anne Kemper at 517-835-7730 agkemper (at)
MICHIGAN - Rochester Hills
Four Seasons Bonsai Club usually meets the last Sunday of the month at 2 pm at Bordine’s Nursery, 1835 Rochester Road South, Rochester Hills, MI 48307. (Dates, locations and start times of meetings can vary. Consult the latest newsletter on our website.) Contact: Michael Corbeille, E-mail: 4seasonsbonsai(at) Website:
MINNESOTA - Minneapolis
Minnesota Bonsai Society (MBS) meets the first Tuesday of each month (except January) and visitors are welcome to attend. MBS offers classes for beginners and ongoing continuing education and workshops for members. For more information please visit the MBS website: or Facebook:
Mississippi Gulf Coast Bonsai Society. Meets monthly at the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, in the building to the left of the Administration Bldg. in Long Beach, corner of Espy and "B" Street, Longbeach, MS at 6:30 PM, second Wednesday of each month. Est. Feb.2002 by six MS Master Gardeners, this small club has annual shows/exhibits and basic Bonsai classes and participates in exhibits of nearby clubs. For further details contact Mitch Thomas, (985) 643-1573 or email: HylanderOB1 (at) aol.comWebsite:
MISSISSIPPI- Hattiesburg
Hattiesburg Bonsai Society. We are just starting up in the Hattiesburg area. Our goal is to expand the art of bonsai and make it more accessible to the people of Mississippi. For more information contact Chris Williams: 985-768-8039 or E-mail:
MISSOURI - Kansas City
Bonsai Society of Greater Kansas City (MO). Meets at Loose Park Garden Center, 5200 Pennsylvania, Kansas City, MO. Saturdays and Sundays as scheduled, except August and December, 9:00 AM. Gilbert Novak, 9842 Overhill Rd., Kansas City, MO 64134. (816) 762-2992. Annual roster lists memberships, meeting dates and programs. Monthly Turntable Newsletter to members keeps information current. Exhibits in May and October.
MISSOURI - Springfield
Ozarks Bonsai Guild. We are just starting up in the Springfield, MO area (Feb 2009). For more information please contact: Jeff Germann at (417) 883-6782 or my E- mail: ozarksBonsai (at) Please visit our Website at and join, if you are interested.
MISSOURI - St. Louis
Bonsai Society of Greater St. Louis. Meetings are the first Tuesday or Wednesday of the month (7pm) in the Beaumont Room at the Missouri Botanical Garden. Meetings are for educational purposes to further the hobby of Bonsai and are open to the general public. Please check our website for the meeting schedule and for other clubactivities. For information please contact Glenn Pauley, President, by phone (314) 843-1312 or E-mail:gkpauley (at)
MONTANA - Billings
Billings Bonsai Society. Meets at Gainan's Garden Center Billings. For more information on meeting dates contact: Wally Mclane, PO Box 288, Billings, Montana 59103. Phone number 406-259-8676
MONTANA - Kalispell
Big Sky Bonsai Society. At this time no regular meetings. For information contact Jerry Meislik 406-862-0387 or E-mail jerry (at)
Sorry, to the best of our knowledge no clubs exist in this area. Otherwise, please forward the correct information and we will update this section accordingly.
NEVADA - Las Vegas
Las Vegas Bonsai Society. Meets at the Nevada Garden Club Center, Lorenzo Park, 3333 W. Washington Ave. in Las Vegas, the second Wednesday, 7:00 pm. The meetings, where demonstrations or workshops are held are open to the public. Contact: Bob Kovach (702) 257-4768 or by E-mail tubs78 (at) There are an additional two other workshops held each month for members only. The Society also gives free demonstrations at local nurseries, schools and various other orginizations as time permits. Our newsletter can be found on our website.
Yukiyama Bonsai Kai Meetings are held the first Saturday of the month at 10:00 AM to 12 noon atthe Northeast Community Center, 1301 Valley Road in Reno, NV. Contact: Pat Flynn (775) 825-1858 or byEmail info (at) Website:
New Hampshire
Sorry, to the best of our knowledge no clubs exist in this area. Otherwise, please forward the correct information and we will update this section accordingly.
New Jersey
NEW JERSEY - Closter
The Bergen Bonsai Society. Meets at Closter Nature Center, Ruckman Rd., Closter, NJ, third Sunday, 10:00 AM. The Club sponsors frequent workshops,demonstrations and study groups. Maintains an extensive lending library for members. Contact: George LeBolt by Email Bonsaibygeorge (at) Website:
NEW JERSEY - Middletown
Deep Cut Bonsai Society. Meets at the King of Kings Lutheran Church, 250 Harmony Rd., Middletown, NJ, on the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM. Contact: Steve Koebcke 732-740-2802, koebckesteve(at) Website:
NEW JERSEY - Morristown
Great Swamp Bonsai Society. Meets second Tuesday of the month (usually) at 7:30 p.m. at the Frelinghuysen Arboretum, Hanover Ave., Morristown, NJ. Contact John Michalski Email: hounia (at) website:
NEW JERSEY - Mt. Laurel
Bonsai Society of South Jersey. Meets second Wednesday each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Clover Garden Center, 1017 South Church St., Mt. Laurel, NJ. Contact Tom De Simone (856) 988-9094 or by Email: thomasrose (at) We are a newly formed club which just started in April of 2009 because there wereno clubs closer than northern NJ or west of Philadelphia. We are about 11 miles east of Philadelphia. Our senseiis Chase Rosade and our membership consists of experienced Bonsai people and novices. We meet at a largegarden center which carries Bonsai and supplies.
New Mexico
NEW MEXICO - Albuquerque
Albuquerque Bonsai Club. Meets at the Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 8600 Academy Rd. NE, first Saturday at 9:00 AM. For more info contact Sunsan Burns, President, s.r.burns (at) Spring show in May at the Botanical Garden. Website:
New York
NEW YORK - Buffalo
We meet at ECC North the second Saturday each month at 1 pm. Monthly programs include demonstrations, workshops, lectures, discussion, raffles, and a sharing of ideas and experiences in Bonsai. Trees are often brought in by members for display, criticism, diagnosis and help. Please feel free to bring in your trees. For more information E-mail us: info (at) Website:
Bonsai in Buffalo
Begun in 2004, Bonsai In Buffalo is comprised of an informal group of people living in the Greater Buffalo New York area who enjoy learning and sharing the art of Bonsai. We meet for workshops about nine times a year, principally from February through October, and also may have one or two additional meetings during the year. We work on our trees at every meeting; each member brings one or more trees upon which he or she wishes to work. Website:
NEW YORK - Long Island
Long Island Bonsai Society. Meets at Planting Fields, Upper Brookville, NY, second Monday each month except Jan/Feb meetings on second Sunday at 11:00 AM. Pre-meeting workshops at 7:00 PM. Website:
NEW YORK - Farmingdale
Farmingdale Chapter of Bonsai Society of Greater New York. Meets at Greenhouse, S.U.N.Y., Farmingdale, second Friday, 8:00 PM.
NEW YORK - North Syracuse
Bonsai Club of Central New York. Meets at Pitcher Hill Community Church, 605 Bailey Road, North Syracuse, near Buckley Road, the second Wednesday of each month, 7:30 pm. Club activities: discussions, workshops, demonstrations, field trips and outside speakers. Show in September, annual auction usually in June. Printed newsletter available. Contact person: Iris Cohen, 6 Bevell Lane, North Syracuse, NY 13212, (315) 461-9226 or Email: iriscohen (at) Website:
NEW YORK - Rochester
Bonsai Society of Upstate New York. Meets at Brighton Town Park at Buckland Park, 1341 Westfall Road. Contact: William Valavanis, 1070 Martin Rd., West Henrietta, NY 14586-9623, (585) 334-2595 or Email: wnv (at) Large exhibit the end of May. Website:
NEW YORK - Staten Island
Staten Island Bonsai Society. Meets at Blue Heron Nature Center, 222 Poillon Ave, Staten Island each second Tuesday at 7:30PM. Contacts: Vito Morongiello, 718-984-9739 or Kevin Kilkenny.
NEW YORK - Utica
Mohawk Valley Bonsai Club meets at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 10 Higby Road/just off Genesee Street, Utica, the second Saturday at 12:00PM. For more information contact: Tom Martin, (315) 292-1140 or Email: tmartin (at) Club established in 2005. Serving Bonsai enthusiasts in the Utica/Rome and Mohawk Valley communities. New members and observers always welcome. Visitors welcome. Website
NEW YORK - West Charlton
Mohawk - Hudson Bonsai Society meets the last Sunday of each month at 12:00PM. Check the website for the location. MHBS was founded in 1968 and serves the NY Capital District and beyound. New members and visitors are always welome. For current information click on the MHBS newsletter icon on the home page of for meeting dates, locations and events. Contact: Pauline Muth, 7 Western Ave, West Charlton, NY (518) 882-1039 or Email: pauline (at)
North Carolina
The Blue Ridge Bonsai Society supports and promotes the art of bonsai in the region around Asheville, NC. We meet together monthly, providing companionship, education, and workshops from beginner-to-advanced level, and we exhibit in various shows during the year. Meetings are generally at 2-4 pm on the second Sunday of each month, though we often gather from 1-2 pm to informally share trees, advice, etc. Programs include hands-on tree work, presentations and demonstrations from bonsai professionals, workshops, and field trips. We usually meet at the Asheville Botanical Gardens, 151 W.T. Weaver Blvd., Asheville, NC. Yearly membership fee is $35/individual and $40/family. For further info about our club and program calendar, please visit our website,
The Bonsai Society of the Carolinas, the oldest Bonsai club in the Carolinas, normally meets the second weekend of each month at the Bonsai Learning Center at 4416 Beatties Ford Road in Charlotte, NC. Meetings vary between Saturday and Sunday, depending upon the availability of the speaker. Both beginner and advanced programs are offered. Out of state artists are frequently featured. Annually, the society sponsors a bonai pavillion at the Southern Spring Show in Charlotte, NC. This event is usually the last week in February. For more information, visit the society web page - For more info contact: Bob Wymer, 8328 Kapplewood Ct., Charlotte, NC 28226, tel: (704) 541-5776 or Tel: (24 hour Bonsai hotline) - (704) 552-6551
NORTH CAROLINA - Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill
Triangle Bonsai Society. Meets at The Commons Building, Wake County Office Park, 4011 Carya Dr., Raleigh, NC. Meeting dates vary by month, please check the website for current information - Contact Harold Johnson. 6806 Knotty Pine Dr., Chapel Hill, NC 27517 email
NORTH CAROLINA - Winston-Salem
North Carolina Bonsai Association. Contact: Unknown
North Dakota
Baker Garden & Gift Bonsai Club
We meet the last Thursday of the month at 6 pm. Club is held seasonally, January - April / July - October. Baker Garden & Gift is located at 2733 University Drive South in Fargo, ND. We focus on tropical plants, choosing a different species every month. Attendance is free with registration. To register, please visit, or call the store at 701-237-6255. For further information, please contact club leader Audrey Gilbraith at audrey(at)"
OHIO - Akron-Canton
Akron-Canton Bonsai Society meets on the first Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm. at the Cuyahoga Valley Art Center, 2131 Front Street in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio -- On the Mall in downtown Cuyahoga Falls, just south of Portage Trail, near Rt. 8. You can also see pictures from our recent shows, club events, workshops and demos at For more information and a recent newsletter, contact akroncantonBonsai (at) .
OHIO - Cincinnati
Bonsai Society of Greater Cincinnati. Meets at Civic Garden Center, 2715 Reading Rd., third Thursday, except December and January, 7:30 PM. Website: Contact: Tom McCormack, 10931 Allenhurst Blvd. E., Cincinnati, OH 45241; (513)563 0473; . Annual show - summer - Civic Zoo; fall show at Krohn Conservatory
OHIO - Cleveland
Cleveland Bonsai Club. Meets at the Cleveland-Rockefeller Park Greenhouse, 750 E. 88th St. of Martin Luther Kind Blvd., Cleveland, OH , the fourth Saturday of the month 9:30 am to noon. The Cleveland Bonsai Club is one of the oldest Bonsai clubs in the US, having been founded in 1956, and having more than 120 full time members. A very prestigious club with many tremendously talented members. Contact Dale Harder, by phone: (440) 888-2163 after 5:30 pm EST or by e-mail: dale (at)
OHIO - Columbus
Columbus Bonsai Society. Meets at Franklin Park Conservatory, 1777 East Broad St.,3rd Sunday of each month at 2:00pm. Contact: Mark Passerrello, 438 Mainsail Drive, Wesetrville, Oh 43081, Phone: 614-890-1995 or E-mail . Monthly meetings usually feature workshops, lecture/demo or other organized program. Annual show in June. September meeting is picinic/field trip, December meeting is Yera End/Holiday dinner-these meetings held off site, all other meetings are at Franklin Park Conservatory. Website
OHIO - Dayton
Bonsai Dayton meets at the OSU Extension Office in Montgomery County Fairgrounds, 1001 S. Mailn Street, 3rd Wednesday except July and August at 6:30 PM. Our meeting times may change if we share speakers with another club. Send an e-mail to get on the free e-mail newsletter distribution list. Contact: John Porterfield (937) 325-9624. E-mail: Bonsaidayton (at)
OHIO - Newark
Pun Ching Bonsai Club meets at The Dawes Arboretum, 7770 Jacksontown Rd., SE, Newark, OH 43056, third Tuesday (consult agenda for addtions or changes) at 7:00pm. Contact: Jeff Carr (740) 323-2355. Send an email to get the current agenda, come and join us explore the exciting hobby of Bonsai.Email: jcarr (at)
OHIO - Sandusky
Sandusky Bonsai Club. Meets at 306 Wayne St., first Tuesday, except January, 7:30 PM. Send mail to Parkview Barber Shop, 306 Wayne St., Sandusky, OH 44870, or call Paulette Grahl, (419) 626-2703.
OHIO - Willoughby
Ohio Great Lakes Bonsai Society. Meets 2nd Saturday of each month. Contact Albert Vlasar, 5278A Liberty Lane, Willoughby, OH 44094 Phone: (440)585 4867
Association of Oklahoma Bonsai Hobbyists - Meets on the 1st Sunday of the month from 1 to 4PM, usually at the Firehouse Art Center in Norman Oklahoma. For Information contact Randy Jones at rj (at) or call 405.364.8960
OKLAHOMA - Oklahoma City
Central Oklahoma Bonsai Society. Meets at 3400 NW 36th St., second Tuesday, 7:00 PM. June show and bazaar. Contact Dale Haworth, 10874 S. Sante Fe Ave., Edmond, Oklahoma. (405) 844-2513 Or email dalehaworth (at) - website:
Northeast Oklahoma Bonsai Association. Meets at Tulsa Garden Center, 2435 S. Peoria, second Monday, 7:00 PM. Glen Miller, Jr., 1708 S College Ave., Tulsa OK 74104. Spring and fall shows.Tulsa Bonsai Society. Meets at Tulsa Garden Center, 2435 S. Peoria, first Monday, 7:00 PM. Dennis Chandlee, Annual spring and fall show.
Another club is the Green Country Bonsai Society, website:
OREGON - Corvallis
Corvallis Bonsai Society. Meets at Chintimini Senior Center, 2601 NW Tyler Ave., fourth Tuesday, 7:00 PM. Ruth Musil. (503) 757-8261.
OREGON - Coos Bay/North Bend
Bay Area Bonsai Society. Meets at Coos Bay public library, 525 Anderson, second Monday, except July and August, 7:00 PM. George & Eva Ahuna, 1434 N Tenth Court, Coos Bay, OR 97420, (503) 269-9696 or Kenneth Windred, 3013 Pigeon Point Rd., Coos Bay, OR 97420, (503) 888-3634. Annual spring exhibit.
OREGON - Eugene
Eugene Bonsai Society, Inc. Meets at Eugene Garden Club, 1645 High St. in Eugene, first Thursday, except January, July, and August, at 6:30 PM. For more information contract: Dean Burkhart, (541) 744-1919, Email: burkhaks (at) Website:
OREGON - Medford
Cascade Bonsai Society. Meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm at Eastwood Baptist Church Annex, 675 N. Keene Way, Medford, OR Contact: Jan Bailey (541) 857-2627 Email: bondoxies (at)
OREGON - Portland
The Bonsai Society of Portland. BSOP is an active club, founded in 1968. Guests are welcome. Meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month at St Phillips Neri Parish located at 2408 SE 16th Avenue, Portland. No meetingd July, August and December.
Contact: Eileen Knox E-mail: Knox (at) or PortlandBonsai (at)
OREGON - Port Orford
Far-West Bonsai Society. Meets at Alfonso Travel Park, first Monday, 7:00 PM. DeBoyd & Eileen Smith, 95650 Sixes River Rd., Sixes, OR 97476. (503) 332-7633. Fourth of July exhibit at Driftwood School, Port Orford.
OREGON - Salem
Willamette Valley Bonsai Society. Meets at the Marion County Fire District #1, 300 Cordon Road NE,Salem, OR the second Tuesday, 7:00 PM. Contact: Ron Phair Phone: (503) 932-2165 E-mail: phairest (at) WVBS stimulate interest in, information on and appreciation of the art of Bonsai by participating in fairs, exhibitions, conventions and other educational displays for members and non-members alike.Website:
Great Lakes Bonsai Society. Contact Mike Golab by phone (814) 456-6186 or by Email: mikego6194 (at) for meeting dates and locations.
Susquehanna Bonsai Club. Meets third Monday, 7:00 PM. Contact James and Mary Kay Doyle, 145l Pleasant Hill Rd., Harrisburg, PA 17112, (717) 545-4555 for meeting locations. Club since l98l. Over 200 members.
Lancaster Bonsai Society. Meets at historic Conestoga House and Gardens at 1608 Marietta Pike (Rt. 23), just west of Lancaster. The club meets in the library every 2nd Wednesday of the month, except for December, at 7:00 PM. Member of Potomac Bonsai Society. Spring and fall shows. Contact: e-mail: ulrich51 (at)
PENNSYLVANIA - Lehigh Valley
Bonsai Society of Lehigh Valley. Meets at Bethlehem Area Vocational Technical School, Horticultural Room, 3300 Chester Ave., Bethlehem, last Tuesday, 7:00 PM, except July, August, December. Jim Gillespie, (610) 837-6688. Members come from Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton and surrounding areas of Lehigh Valley. Mailing address: PO Box 1684, Bethlehem, PA 18016-1684. Mid-May exhibit.
PENNSYLVANIA - Philadelphia
Pennsylvania Bonsai Society. Meets at Greater Plymouth Community Center, 2910 Jolly Rd, Plymouth Meeting, PA, third Friday, 7:00 PM. Linda Brant, 610-948-6380. Email: lbrant (at) Website:
Pittsburgh Bonsai Society
P.O. Box 8236, Pittsburgh, PA 15217
North East Pennsylvania Bonsai Society meets Last Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm at Midway Garden Center 1865 Highway 315 Pittson, PA. The Northeast PA Bonsai Society was begun in June of 1988 and continues the mission of providing a place for its members to come together to expand and share their knowledge and skills as well as advancing and promoting interest in Bonsai among the general public in Northeastern Pennsylvania. For more information contact Susan Lauer 570-654-6194 selauermgc (at)
Augusta Bonsai Club. Meets on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 PM at the United Chridt Church, White Deer Churches, West Milton, PA. An occasional meeting held at members homes. Contact: John Bierley(570) 546-7811, Email: quietspiritarts (at) Meetings are fun and informal. Occasionally a field trip and every September a picnic.
PENNSYLVANIA (Southeast) - Wilmington, DE
Brandywine Bonsai Society. Meets every third Saturday of the month (except December) at the Brandywine Town Center, Wilmington-West Chester Pike (Rte 202) & Naamans Road (Rte 92), at 10:00 AM. Varied programs include guest masters. Annual Bonsai shows in the courtyard of the Brandywine River Museum (Chadds Ford, PA) in June and at Longwood Gardens (Kennett Square, PA) in the fall. Contact: Steve Ittel,302-778-4546 or by e-mail BrandywineBonsai (at) Web site:
Puerto Rico
PUERTO RICO - Trujillo Alto
Federacion Puerto Rico de Bonsai Contact: Presidente Pedro J. Moarales, P.O.Box 1620, Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico 00977-1620 Tel: 787 765 6680 Res. 787 755 3362 Fax: 787 767 1888 Res. 787 761 3394 e-mail: futago (at)
Club de Bonsai de Puerto Rico-Capitulo de San Juan meets the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm at Centro Cumunal Crown Hills, Wiston Churchill Ave., El Senorial, San Juan. Contact: Jose RiveraE-mail: josorl (at) - website:
Bonsai En el Trópico is a study group formed in 2006 with a small group with people how make bonsai. In 2009 the Bonsai Internet Forum was created as Bonsai en el Tropico with web
Currently, the Study Group meets every two months the last Sunday of the month from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm, at the home of one of the members of the group. Person in charge of the Study Group is Jose O Rivera with 35 years of experience doing Bonsai. Jose graduated from the European School in charge of the teacher Salvatore Liporace.
To communicate with the group you can do it through the website or by email to
Rhode Island
RHODE ISLAND - W. Kingston
Rhode Island Bonsai Society, PO Box 40935 Providence, RI 02940website: email: president (at)
South Carolina
Bonsai Club of South Carolina (disbanded!)
SOUTH CAROLINA - Seabrook Island (outside Charleston)
Coastal Carolina Bonsai Club. (possibly not active anymore!)
Meets at Property Owners Community Room, Seabrook Island, second Monday every other month beginning January, 7:30 PM. Jeanne P. Thompson, 2384 High Hammock Rd., Johns Island, SC 29455, (803)768-2192. We have a security gate. One must be invited or ask for entrance from the contact person.
South Dakota
Sorry, to the best of our knowledge no clubs exist in this area. Otherwise, please forward the correct information and we will update this section accordingly.
TENNESSEE - Kingsport
Mid-Appalachian Bonsai kai meets the 3rd Monday of each month, for location and directions please contact Anita Bausman at (423) 239-7602 or by e-mail. Study group of interested Bonsai students, various levels, all ages, September show, participate in other shows and community events/education, everyone welcome, email or call for more information.
TENNESSEE - Knoxville
The KBS meets once per month (typically on saturday mornings), either at members’ homes or at the Knoxville Botanical Gardens. At each meeting, a new topic related to bonsai art, culture, and design is presented and discussed. For more informaton please contact: Shannon Salyer at s_salyer1979(at), or Dat Tran at TR8618(at)BELLSOUTH.NET Website: Facebook:
Memphis Bonsai Society meets at the Memphis Botanical Gardens Goldsmith Civic Center (750 Cherry Road, Mphs, TN) on the 4th Tuesday of each month (unless a special activity dedicates otherwise). The meetings start at 7:00 PM. Contact: info (at) Website:
TENNESSEE - Nashville
Nashville Bonsai Society meets at Cheekwood Botanic Gardens, 1200 Forest Park Drive, Nashville, TN on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM, except during the months of December and January. Contact: Barbara Bogan (615) 337-4728 or e-mail: bogansBonsai (at) The Nashville Bonsai Society is an association of individuals dedicated to promoting interest in the art of Bonsai. Website
TEXAS - Abilene
Big Country Bonsai Club. Meets at Abilene Garden Club, 300 Weastwood, second Tuesday, 7:00 PM. Evelyn Mayfield, 1425 Tanglewood Rd., Abilene, TX 79605, (915) 692-1665
TEXAS - Austin
Austin Bonsai Society. Austin Bonsai Society has been in existence since 1965. It has an active membership of about 50, several of whom have gained national or international recognition for their expertise. The club meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. social and 7:30 meeting at the Zilker Garden Center in Austin. Special events each year including workshops with Bonsai Masters and a club show in May. For further information call Elaine at (512)266-2655 or E-mail: ewbonasi (at)
The Shohin Society of Texas (SSOT) meets on a quarterly basis in Austin, TX at Persimmon Hill Bonsai, Sheila & Terry Ward
www.texshohin (at)
TEXAS - Beaumont
Southeast Texas Bonsai Club. Meets at Garden Center, Terrell Park, first Tuesday, 7:00 PM. Occasional special meetings held elsewhere in June, September, and December. Visitors welcome. Spring and fall show. Contact: Mark Lee (409) 722-9287. Website
TEXAS - Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi Bonsai Club. Meets every fourth Thursday of the month, January through October, 7:00p.m. at the Garden Senior Center, 5325 Greely Street. The meetings include short business meetings and lecture/demonstrations conducted by club artist, Texas and National artist. Workshops are scheduled every second Wednesday of the month plus special workshops are often scheduled. A library of Bonsai books are available for club members use. Visitors are welcome to attend meetings and join the club to learn more about this exciting horticultural art form. The club is a member of the Corpus Christi Area Garden Council, Inc., Lone Star Bonsai Federation and Bonsai Clubs International. Contract: Yvonne Padilla (512) 992-0009, E-mail: myforest (at) Website:
TEXAS - Dallas
Bonsai Society of Dallas. Meets 1st Saturday of each month at 9:00AM at North Haven Gardens, 7700 North Haven Road. Contact: George Straw, Bonsai enthusiastraw (at), (214) 357-3048. Website:
TEXAS - Fort Worth
Fort Worth Bonsai Society. Meets at Fort Worth Botanic Garden Conservatory, 3220 Botanical Garden Dr., second Saturday, 9:00 AM. Dan LeBlanc, 8613 Glenmont Dr, NRH, TX 76182, (817) 907-1398. Annual display at Japanese Garden Festivals in spring and fall. Yearly society show in the spring -
TEXAS - Houston
Houston Bonsai Society, Inc. meets monthly on the 1st Wednesday at the Houston Garden Center in Hermann Park, 1500 Herman Dr., 7 p.m. Contact: Donald Green, HBS, P.O. Box 540727, Houston, Tx 77254-0727, Email: zgreen3 (at) phone: (713) 771-1442, Website:
TEXAS - San Antonio
San Antonio Bonsai Society, Inc. Meets at 7:00 pm on the second Thursday of each month, at the Lion's Field Adult & Senior Citizens Center located at 2809 Broadway (corner of Broadway and Mulberry). Contact: Kevin Preston: www.hattie1 (at) (President) and Donna Dobberfuhl, at two2views (at) Postal Mailings: P. O. Box 39161, San Antonio, TX 78216.
TEXAS - Weslaco
Rio Grande Valley Bonsai Society. Meets 2nd Sunday of the month (with some exceptions to accommodate outside speakers) at 2 p.m. in the Hoblitzelle Building of the Texas A & M Research Center in Weslaco, TX. Contact Rick Choate, (210) 580-4303, evenings and weekends.
UTAH - Salt Lake City
Bonsai Club of Utah. Meets at Sugar House Park Garden Center, 1676 E. 2lst South, fourth Wednesday, 7:30 PM. Jean Schroeder, PO Box 58975, Salt Lake City, UT 84158. Website: http//
VERMONT - Central to Northern Vermont
Green Mountain Bonsai Society. Meets in members homes or at Williston Federated Church, third Sunday, 3:00 PM. Trudy Anderson, RD 1, Box 129, Jericho, VT 05465, (802) 899-3487. Annual members show in June and large exhibit at Champlain Valley Fair each year for a week ending Labor Day.
VERMONT - Northeastern Vermont
Northeast Vermont Bonsai Club. Meets at New England Art Glass Studio every 4th Thursday of the month. Contact: Tim Byrne, RR#1, Box 4, Derby Vermont, 05829. Yearly newsletter, Digs, Workshops and Annual trip to Montreal Botanical Gardens. No meetings Nov-Feb...
VIRGINIA - Arlington
Northern Virginia Bonsai Society is a non-profit organization whose goal is to educate about and share Bonsai Information. We have lectures from noted speakers, workshops, collecting trips, and publish our own newsletter. NVBS has been in existance for over 27 years. We meet every second Saturday of the month, 9am at the Walter Reed Commmunity Center, 2909 16th St. S. Arlington, VA.
VIRGINIA - Hampton
Peninsula Bonsai Society. Meets the second Tuesdays, 7:00 PM at the Peninsula Council of Garden Clubs building in Hampton, Contact: Bob Owens (757) 877-3515 Email Bowensai (at)
VIRGINIA - Lynchburg
Central Virginia Bonsai Society usually meets at Grove Street Recreation Center, 301 Grove St. Meeting times on their website.
The Central Virginia Bonsai Society was founded in 1986 to promote the appreciation and enjoyment of Bonsai in Central Virginia through education, participation, and mutual support of its members. There are usually four meetings in the spring and two meetings in the fall, coinciding with the most active times for working with Bonsai. CVBS is cosponsored by the Lynchburg Recreation Department. Meetings are held at a variety of times and places. Notice of time, place, and topic is given through the newsletter. The meeting format is flexible but normally consists of a planned program for the main event followed by an opportunity for members to ask questions or present a problem plant for "group therapy".
Contact: Julian R. Adams, 1721 Langhorne Road, Lynchburg, VA 24503, (434) 384- 7951, E-mail: jra (at) All skill levels of Bonsai enthusiast are welcome. Meeting days and location are irregular. Call ahead for current schedule.
VIRGINIA - Norfolk
Virginia Bonsai Society is dedicated to the promotion, education, and enjoyment of the living art Bonsai and Penjing. We meet in the Holly Room of Baker Hall at Norfolk Botanical Gardens, 6700 Azalea Garden Rd., first Thursday of each Month, 7:00 PM. Contact: Walter Lisicki (President) (757) 486-3422, or e-mail: info (at) For additional information please visit
VIRGINIA - Richmond
Richmond Bonsai Society. E-mail: richmondBonsaisociety (at) Please check the event calendar on the website for the monthly topics and speakers.
VIRGINIA - Roanoke
Hinoki Bonsai Club. Meets at Roanoke Council of Garden Clubs Bldg., 3640 Colonial Ave., third Wednesday of each month, except August at 7:30 PM. Contact: Ken Clubb (540) 362-2725 or by E-mail: kclubb43 (at) Our club meets monthly with programs relating to creating,styling, and maintaining Bonsai.We usually have one or two visiting Bonsai artists giving lecture/demonstartions each year.
Tidewater Bonsai Club. Supports and promotes the art of Bonsai in Virginia in the Hampton Roads and Tidewater areas through education, demonstrations, displays and volunteerism. TBC meets the 2nd Saturday of each month from 2 pm - 5 pm. If you are a beginner looking to go to the next level in your Bonsai learning, or an experienced Bonsai artist looking for a club of equal passion then we might be the club for you. We are a working club and most meetings are hands on improving our own trees and learning from other members.
Virgin Islands
Sorry, to the best of our knowledge no clubs exist in this area. Otherwise, please forward the correct information and we will update this section accordingly.
Olympia Bonsai Club. Meets at 7:00 PM on the second Thursday of each month at the Lacey Community Center 6729 Pacific Avenue SE, Olympia, WA. Our mailing address is Box 2682, Olympia, WA., 98507-2682, Rep: Gene Tsuji (360)491-0593
Puget Sound Bonsai Association. Meets at Center for Urban Horticulture at Univ. of Wash., 3501 NE 41st St. Website:
Dungeness Bonsai Society. Meets at Pioneer Park, 387 E Washington Street in Sequim. First Tuesday in February, March, April, May, September, October, November, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Contact President Robert Stack, Dungeness Bonsai Society, PO Box 1441, Sequim, WA 98382. E-mail.
Inland Empire Bonsai Society - Meets at Manito Park meeting room (4W, 21st Ave) on the third Sunday of every month at 12:00 PM. Contact: Hal Allert (509)869-4583, E-mail: info (at) Website:
Yakima Valley Bonsai Society. Meetings are held at 7:30 PM the last Tuesday of each month from February through October at the Yakima Area Arboretum, 1401 Arboretum DR, Yakima WA Contact: Ernie Smith Racee (at)
West Virginia
WEST VIRGINIA - Morgantown
Mountaineer Bonsai Society. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month at 7 PM in the Evansdale Greenhouse Division of Plant and Soil Sciences, West Virginia University. Morgantown, West Virginia 26506 Phone: (304)293-4480 Current President: Tom Simonyi mistermoyogi (at)
WEST VIRGINIA - Parkersburg
Ki No Kazi bonsai club - Monthly meetings on 2nd Sunday at 2:00pm.
Visit our Facebook page or contact edie_lindley(at) for more information.
Bay Area Bonsai Society. Meets at The Senior Center in downtown Green Bay, WI, second Wednesday, except January, July, November, and December, 7:00 PM. For more information, contact: Sandra Keller, 920-865-7546 or Bay Area Bonsai Society, PO Box 12244, Green Bay, WI 54307-2241
The Coulee Region Bonsai Club. Meets at Asbury Methodist Church, 19 and Redfield St., third Monday, except December, 7:00 PM. Tony Buchda, 400 Monitor St., LaCrosse, WI 54601. (608) 782-4231. 30 members. Annual show in June.
Badger Bonsai Society. Meetings are at 7:00 on the second Thursday of every month at Olbrich Gardens(3330 Atwood Avenue, Madison, WI), except for January and July when the club has a special dinner meeting.In addition to monthly meetings, which cover a wide range of subjects of interest to Bonsai enthusiast, many special events are held. These include workshops, lectures, demonstrations, exhibitions, collecting trips, and instructions on the art of Bonsai. Contact: Ronald Fortmann, (262) 490-8733 or E-Mail aaBonsai (at) charter.netWebsite:
WISCONSIN - Appleton
Fox Valley Bonsai Society. Meets at the Gardens of the Fox Cities in Appleton, WI, the second Tuesday, at 7:00 PM. Contact: Leroy Frahm, (920) 832- 6722 or E-Mail leroyfrahm (at) Annual show last Sunday in September at the Gardens of the Fox Cities in Appleton.
WISCONSIN - Milwaukee
Milwaukee Bonsai Society. Meets on the 1st Tuesday at 7:00PM at Boerner Botanical Garden, 9400 Boerner Drive, Hales Corners, Wisconsin Contact: Voice Mail at 414-299-9229 or write PO Box 24082, Milwaukee, WI 53224.
E-Mail: mbsweb (at)
WYOMING - Gillette
Gillette Bonsai Study Group. Meets at various dates and times. Contact Gerald Gardner, 912 Cherry Lane, Gillette, WY (307) 685-2041 EMAIL: ggardner (at)
WYOMING - Laramie
Laramie Bonsai Study Group. Contact Gerald Gardner, 912 Cherry Lane, Gillette, WY (307) 685-2041 EMAIL: ggardner (at)
Individual club pages