Hedges and tree
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This post shows the remarkable creation of a small Bonsai landscape, by Joe Selworthy. It consists of a single tree (a maple) and a hedge (cotoneaster trees). Together with added moss the resulting miniature looks stunning!
Garden Bonsai examples
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Garden Bonsai are potted trees that are very similar to, yet slightly different from Bonsai.
Bonsai garden design
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A well designed Bonsai garden makes your trees stand out more than anything else. But designing one is incredibly difficult, especially because you need to find a way to display your trees at eye-level, while keeping in mind the individual requirements of each of your trees.
Tree vs Bonsai
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It will be no surprise to anyone that nature is a big source of inspiration for those interested in Bonsai. After all, the ultimate goal of growing a Bonsai is to create a miniature version of nature.
Bonsai tree DIY kit
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Buying a Bonsai tree in a shop is nice, but wouldn't it be much cooler to do it yourself? A great way to start growing Bonsai trees is to buy a Bonsai tree kit and style the tree into a Bonsai.
How to create a Bonsai Rootstand
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Have you ever made a Bonsai rootstand? Until a year ago, I had no experience with it either!
Master the art of Bonsai

Master the art of Bonsai
Online Bonsai Courses Learn from leading Bonsai experts at your own pace, from the comfort of your living room!
Requirements of Bonsai Soils
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One of the most widely debated subjects for most Bonsai enthusiasts is soil composition. Good Bonsai is not merely on the design, but a good Bonsai should portray a healthy tree that grows in a small container and this strongly depends on the soil used.
To Akadama, or not to Akadama?
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At Bonsai Empire we receive questions about Akadama, and its use for Bonsai soil, quite a lot. With the recent price increases, troubles in supply and proposed alternatives (including cat litter) people seem to be in doubt whether or not to use Akadama at all.
Bag End Bonsai Trayscape
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A large hill (The Hill) lay to the north, and under its southern slopes Bilbo's father Bungo built the luxurious smial Bag End above the lane of Bagshot Row.
From ‘Mallsai’ to Bonsai
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They are well known all over the world. S-curved tropical bonsai plants. Mass produced in Asia and exported to be sold as ‘bonsai’. You can buy them at nurseries, at Ikea and even at supermarkets.
From clay to Bonsai Pot
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Making Bonsai pots is a complex process which requires a lot of knowhow, experience and artistry.
The most expensive Bonsai tree
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Bonsai trees come in all tree-species, sizes, shapes and... prices. Ranging from a few dollars for a small and young plant to one plant that sold for over a million dollars in Japan!