Bonsai hedge

A unique Bonsai display

This post shows the remarkable creation of a small Bonsai landscape, by Joe Selworthy. It consists of a single tree (a maple) and a hedge (cotoneaster trees). Together with added moss the resulting miniature looks stunning!

Acer bonsai in the landscape
The first step; placing the Maple bonsai in the container. A wall of 50/50 mix of peat and cow manure mixed together to make the 'wall'.
Cotoneasters for the hedge
The cotoneaster plants ready to be placed. This is how I created the "hedge" . Seedlings grown from the fruits of one of my regular cotoneaster bonsai.
Landscape Bonsai
Planting the hedge.
Landscape Bonsai with hedges
All the trees are placed, now they will need to grow more dense in the next few seasons.
Landscape Bonsai
Six years later... The cotoneaster hedge (grown from seed) with a deshojo maple and a style with sleeping cat. The "accent" placed in front of it is a wee painted bronze wren waiting for the cat to leave so that it can go to its nest in the hedge!

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Aqua Bonsai

Aqua Bonsai

Bonsai trees growing in just water?

Aqua Bonsai
Bag end

Bag end

The miniature version of Bag End

Bag end
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Master the art of Bonsai

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