Bonsai clubs

Bonsai organizations and clubs near you

Bonsai clubs in Canada

Joining a Bonsai club is greatly recommended to start and progress in the Bonsai hobby. Besides workshops most Bonsai clubs organize tours, contests and exhibitions; a great way to learn as much as you please about growing Bonsai. Inside Canada about 36 Bonsai clubs and organizations were founded, not represented in any nation-wide Bonsai federation for as far as I know. Please contact us to submit missing/updated club information.

Bonsai Clubs in Canada: map and list


British Columbia





ALBERTA - Edmonton
Bonsai Society of Edmonton. Meets the 3rd Wednesday each month, Japanese Cultural 6750 88 St. at 7:30pm. Collecting trips for members. Contact: Les Dowdell 3536 104A St., Edmonton, AB T6J 2N2 Tel: (403) 437 0530, e-mail: les.dowdell (at)

ALBERTA - Lethbridge
Bonsai Society of Southern Alberta. Meetings 2nd Tuesday each month except July & Aug. at Lethbridge Public Library at 7:00pm. Annual show 1st or 2nd weekend May. Annual field trip in May. Contact: Carmen Pfiffner 1912 - 9A St., Coaldale, AB T1M 1B2. Tel: (403) 328 3855 Website:

British Columbia

British Columbia Bonsai Clubs Federation
Contact : Roger Low 3230 East 15th Ave., Vancouver, BC V5M 2L4 Tel: (604) 435 5737

Cranbrook Bonsai Club Meets at Mount Baker High school, Room 107 on the third Wednesday of each month except April Contact: Kevin Masson (Bonsaitreeman (at) or at (250)489-5785.

Cowichan Bonsai Club Duncan, British Columbia, Canada Meetings: Second Monday of each month at 7:00 pm Location: Providence Farm, (main building) Contact Person: Don Phone (250) 748-9798 e-mail islandBonsai (at)

Kelowna Bonsai Club Meetings first Tuesday of March to June, second Tuesday in September, first Tuesday October to November at Seminar Room Lee Valley store in Orchard Plaza, 7:00 p.m. Contact Tom Sawtell at 250-868-3368 email: sawtell35bu (at)

Penticton Bonsai Contact: Dan Muesh, Kelowna Bonsai Club, 1034 Martin Ave., Kelowna, BC Y1Y 6V5 Tel: 250 492 5323, or Jim Peterson, 250/496 58

Wakayama Kenji Kai Bonsai Club Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday each month, Steveston Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre at 7:30pm Contact: Jim Tanaka 7571 Montana Rd., Richmond, BC V7C 2K7 Tel: (604) 274 1684

British Columbia Bonsai Society Meets 1st Thursday each month from February through December, 7:00pm to 9:00pm, at Sunnyside Hall, 1845 154th Street, Surrey, BC - Contact: Jim McAusland Tel: (604) 533 6685 - Website

Omiya Bonsai Club 1686 150th St., Aldergrove, BC V0X 1A0 Contact: Phil Johnston Tel: 604/683 8600, Fax: 604/683 8614

Chinese Penjing Society of Canada. Meets on the 3rd Sunday of each month, Chinese Cultural Center at 2:00pm. Spring show in May. Contact: Contact: Ian Wang Tel: (604) 272-5971.

East Van Bonsai. Meets on certain months, the 4th Monday of the month. Site:
7pm – 9pm Most often at 621 Kingsway, Vancouver BC. Contact; brandonwoodworth(at)

Vancouver Bonsai Association. The oldest club in Vancouver meets irregularly on Saturday mornings at the Van Dusen Botanical Gardens, 37th St. and Oak. Annual show in May. Contact: Pauline Nielson, 1949 37th Ave. W., Vancouver, BC V6M 1N5 Tel: (604) 261 6060.

Vancouver Sumi Bonsai Club Meets 2nd Wednesday of each month except Jan. & Aug., Van Dusen Botanical Gardens, 37th Ave. and Oak St. at 7:30pm. Annual show in May. Contact: Tats Fukuda Tel: (604) 275-8749

Taguchi Bonsai Club. Meets on the 3rd Monday of each month except July, Aug. & Jan., Van Dusen Botanical Garden, 37th St. and Oak at 7:30pm. Contact: Sandor Knoll 2706 Highbury St., Vancouver, BC V6R 3T5 Tel: (604) 224 1343

Japanese Gardeners Association Bonsai Club Meets 4th Friday each month 7:30pm, at West Coast Garden Coop, 4289 Slocan Ave. Contact: Roy Haroda 996 Cloverley Ave., Vancouver, BC V7L 1N3 Tel: (604) 980 5840

Tiawanese Canadian Cultural Society Bonsai Club Meets 2nd Saturday each month, Room #202, 8853 Sekirk St. at 7:30pm Contact: Ruey Lin Tel: (604) 267 0901 or 267-0902

West Coast Bonsai Society Meets 1st Friday of each month 7:30pm at the Van Dusen Botanical Gardens, 37th St. and Oak. Contact: Roger Low 3230 E. 15th Ave., Vancouver, BC V5M 2L4 Tel: (604) 435 5737

Hon. David Lam Gardening Society Meets first Tues. of each month at the Van Dusen Garden, 37TH and Oak. Contact: Tony Wu, Tel;: (604) 473 9837, or Sam Law, Tel: (604) 437 3828 % Sam Law, 3F Metrotown Centre, 4820 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC V6H 4J2

Dr. Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden Penjing Club 578 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 5K2 Contact: Pin Lee or Kathy Gibler Tel: 604/730 2611

Vernon Bonsai Club meets 4th Monday each month at the Vernon Arts Centre, 2704A Hwy #6, Vernon, BC . Spring and Fall Shows.
Contact: Jim Pugsley 250-542-8397 e-mail japugs (at) Second contact: Diane Spearing 250-542-9632 e-mail: valdispear (at)

Vancouver Island Bonsai Club. Meets the 3rd Monday of each month at the Garth Homer Society Bldg., 813 Darwin Ave., Victoria, BC, 7:30pm. Annual show at Hillside Shopping Centre in early May. Contact: Randy Kowalchuk, Pres. PO Box 8674, Victoria, BC V8W 3S2 Tel: (250)370-7562 or e-mail: randyko (at) Visit our website at

Newfoundland and Labrador



MANITOBA - Winnipeg
Winnipeg Bonsai Society meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month at Centro Caboto Centre library, 1055 Wilkes Avenue, at 7:00 p.m. Guests are welcome. Annual display in August at the Norwood Community Centre, 87 Walmer Street. Contact: Scott Samson at president(at) website

New Brunswick


Newfoundland and Labrador


Nova Scotia


North West Territories



ONTARIO - Brantford
Regular meetings are held at SC Johnson Community Centre 16 Morrell Street, Brantford, ON N3T 4J2 (back door). The meeting goes from 7:30 – 9:00P.M on the fourth Monday of the month. Guests welcome. Contact – info(at)

ONTARIO - Burlington
Bonsai Society at the Royal Botanical Gardens. Founded in October 2009, the Bonsai Society at the RBG brings Bonsai programming to Canada's largest botanical gardens. Our goal is to advance the art of Bonsai and grow the local Bonsai community. Meetings are held twice a month, 12 months of the year, and include other special events throughout the year. Our membership includes people who are just getting started right up to people with 40 years of experience in Bonsai. Meets 4th Tuesday at 7pm & 3rd Saturday at 1pm at the RBG Main Centre, 680 Plains Rd West, Burlington, ON L7T 4H4 Info (at) 416-577-0725

ONTARIO - Etobicoke
Misseto Bonsai Meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at the Islington United Church, 25 Burnamthorpe Rd. in Etobicoke at 7:00pm. Contact: Thomas Balsillie Tel: (416) 807 6124 or Email: info(at) Our meetings are informal and friendly. Several meetings a year are demonstrations where either a guest or experienced club member will teach some aspect of Bonsai. Most meetings are open workshops where the more experienced members will help the newer members get started with the basics or with their problem trees. In the summer months we have open-house evenings in members' backyards where we can enjoy the members' Bonsai and fellowship. Website

ONTARIO - Guelph
Guelph Bonsai Club. Meets 1st Wednesday each month except Jan., July, & Aug., Bovey Bldg. at 7:00pm. Show in Oct. even numbered years at Univ. Guelph Arboretum. Contact: David Wolyn Bovey Bldg., University of Guelph, Guelph, ON N1G 2W1 tel: (519) 824 4120, ext. 3092 e-mail: dwolyn (at)

ONTARIO - Niagara on the Lake
Niagara Bonsai Society. Meets on the 3rd Sunday of each month at the Niagara College Campus Garden Centre, Corner of Glendale Ave and Taylor Road at 1:30pm. Contact: Brenda Dennis,Tel: (905) 892-3646, E-mail: bdennis1 (at) We are a small club. Our summer meetings (July & August) are informal and are held at member's homes to include pot luck lunch.

ONTARIO - North Bay
North Bay Bonsai Society Meets 1st Monday of each month, Community Centre, Swale St., Callander, ON at 7:00pm. Annual show 3rd week of Aug. Contact: Albert Cobb RR#4, 1212 Memorial Park Dr., Powassan, ON P0H 1Z0 Tel: (705) 724 5665; e-mail tedreed (at)

Matsuyama Bonsai Society Meets on the 2nd Tuesday each month Sept.thru June, Faith Place, 44 William St., Oshawa at 7:00pm. Fall exhibit Cullen Gardens and Miniature Village in Whitby. Contact: Grace Wicht RR#1, Locust Hill, ON L0H 1J0. Tel: (905) 683 2568

ONTARIO - Ottawa
Ottawa Bonsai Society - The Ottawa Bonsai Society (OBS) established in 1984, is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting interest and understanding in the art form of Bonsai. The focal point of OBS is our monthly meeting held at Building 72 - Central Experimental Farm (Arboretum), the 3rd Monday of the month (except December, July, August) at 7:30 p.m. Monthly meeting provides OBS members with an excellent forum to exchange ideas, techniques, and experiences relating to Bonsai. OBS actively recruits and welcomes new members since in the eyes of our organization, newcomers are equally as important as our long standing members. They invariably provide fresh perspectives, enthusiasm and most importantly new friendships. Contact Robert Smith, 40, rue Imbeault, St-Alphonse de Rodriguez, PQ J0K 1W0 - Tél. (450) 883-1196, Fax (450) 883-1040, info (at)

ONTARIO - Toronto
The Toronto Bonsai Society meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at the Toronto Botanical Garden, 777 Lawrence Ave. E. at 7:00pm. The oldest club in Canada. Annual exhibits and sales in May and Oct. Website: - Email us at: info(at)

ONTARIO - Waterloo Kitchener
Waterloo Bonsai Club Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month except Dec., July & Aug., Adult Recreation Centre, King and Allen St., Waterloo at 7:30pm. Show with the Guelph Bonsai; Club. Contact: Eldon Leis 184 Herbert St., Waterloo, ON; N2J 1T5 Tel: (519) 743 3763.

Prince Edward Island



QUEBEC - Montreal
Societè de Bonsai et Penjing de Montreal . Meets on the last Thursday of each month except June, July and Aug. at the Montreal Botanical Garden. Contact: Administrative Secretary 4101 rue Sherbrooke est, Montreal, QC H1X 2B2. Tel: (514) 872-1782.

SOCIÉTÉ DE Bonsai & DE Penjing DU QUÉBEC Contact: Robert Smith, 40, rue Imbeault, St-Alphonse de Rodriguez, QB&J0K 1W0 Tel: (450) 883-1196, Fax (450) 883-1040

QUEBEC - Quebec
Le Groupe Bonsai Quebec meets on the first Monday of each month at the Laval University, 2480 boul.Hochelaga, in Quebec. Le Groupe Bonsaï Québec est un organisme à but non lucratif regroupant des passionnés de Bonsaï de la région de Québec. Contact: J.P. Monette at (418) 887-3988 or by E-mail: jpm (at) Website: /





Northwestern Territory


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Master the art of Bonsai

Master the art of Bonsai
Overview of our courses

Master the art of Bonsai

Online Bonsai Courses Learn from leading Bonsai experts at your own pace, from the comfort of your living room!

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Aqua Bonsai

Aqua Bonsai

Bonsai trees growing in just water?

Aqua Bonsai
Bag end

Bag end

The miniature version of Bag End

Bag end
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The best Bonsai trees

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Cron Job Starts