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We have a problem and its us.

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We have a problem and its us. was created by syconisperm

Posted 2 months 3 weeks ago #84833
Bonsai in japan is in dramatic decline, but it grows in other places. America used to be a exploding new stronghold, now our clubs are dwondling from hundreds of members in the 90s, to tens of members now. However now places like tazmania and brazil are flurishing. What is happening to cause this wildfire burnout spread, ironically, for an art built around patience. I think we know, it us. We all contribute to this in one way or another, mostly do to big egos, thinking you know best, that you are special and know whst is and what isnt, what applies, what doesnt. We forgot, like the japanese, that it is art, as a result artists (not huge fans of control freaks being such freaks themselves)  are flocking away. New areas bonsai has spread flurish because the purist and gatekeepers havent arrived. At some point we went from introducing the rockymountain juniper defying tradition, to stuffy podcasts with obnoxious condescending langauge and "not to sound like im full of my self but.." in every other sentence. Why? You are not supposed to give a shit what anyone thinks, art is just craft qhen it does not make some purist angry so much like metal or rock music. So why do we have so many political inclinations and why do we act like certain techniques are true when they are only true in one perspective? Bonsai soil? Well how are you watering it? Pruning? Well what species? We limit our knolidge of greater botany for the specialization of specific planta because we are inflexible. Look beyond the lines drawn by tradition and see that species arnt as important as genus, and in some cases even family. How can we descover exciting new species when we refuse risks? We say time, it takes so much time. Hogwash, you demand the time it takes because of the style of your care. Watering takes too much? Use differnt soil. "But only tradidional soil ramifies properly" no, only timing does. "Well pruning" change your style. "The climate isnt right" create an artificial one. "Plant lights dont work, you need wind and humidity" tell that to commerical marijuana growers they seam to have not gotten the message. I am going to say something heretical, trigger warning, norfolk island pine. Yes i know their branchs dont ramify and there foliages doesnt shrink, you cant capture the nature of the plant. Tell me why then we praise literal topiary as amazing bonsai when it looks nothing like a wild plant? Change. Norfolk pines not only ramify they do so at the point you clip with a few bonus buds down stream. Ticpically you get five buds one for each branch of which there are you guessed, mostly five. So what then? They grow new trunks and each trunk starts with tiny branchs that get progressively bigger as the trunk grows out, "so then you just get an ugly stunk with a mop and too many trunks" isnt that a maple? Treat them differently. Where does the branch start and the trunk end on a maple? Not a simple awnser because trunk chopping to the firsf branch turns the first branch into the trunk. Likewise pines contrarily have a obvious trunk and obvious branchs. So stop treating it like a pine, because its not a pine, its an araucara. Bend on new trunk down and immeadiatly start another set of ramification and grow the primary leader out. Then repeat alternating and boom, you have a  upright style tree. Just norfolk? Wrong, araucaria angustifolia, subject of the famous posthumos renato hoenig (r.i.p.2024), brazil is exploring art, qe are stagnant in tradition. You want more excitment? Stop the draconic political bullcrap and political correctness. Get messy. Make art.

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by syconisperm

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  • Ivan Mann
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Replied by Ivan Mann on topic We have a problem and its us.

Posted 2 months 2 weeks ago #84859
Many posters here are not native English speakers and sometimes may write something that sounds abrupt but i don't think they intend to be impolite. 

Even native English speakers may sound differently from intended to those from different areas. I recall a guy from New Jersey here in Alabama being blessed out by a local. After she wound down the New Jersey guy asked me, "What did I say?" He  (and I) thought he had been pretty polite.

I have never thought anyone here was impolite with me. In fact, a few times I thought they were pretty gentle.

Maybe a chill pill every now and then would help.
by Ivan Mann
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Replied by Tropfrog on topic We have a problem and its us.

Posted 2 months 2 weeks ago #84860
I refraimed from comenting on this post because I could not understand half of it and I could not understand the meaning or intention at all.

Thanks Ivan for pointing out that not all of us is native english speakers.

But I do like the picture in the end. My Norfolk "pine" is 5 years in my care now and still a "stick in a pot". Growing that thick trunk in my climate would proboably take a lifetime or two :)
by Tropfrog

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Replied by leatherback on topic We have a problem and its us.

Posted 2 months 2 weeks ago #84863
What an odd post to make here?

I do agree that there is every once in a while a certain narrowminded-ness amongst practitioners from any field, bonsai is no different. What I do disagree with is the notion that everything goes, as it is art. That is how we get to Bananas glued to a wall and people paying thousands for it. Some may say it is art. I say it is the emperors clothes.

But, in general:

Last Edit:2 months 2 weeks ago by leatherback
Last edit: 2 months 2 weeks ago by leatherback.

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  • syconisperm
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Replied by syconisperm on topic We have a problem and its us.

Posted 2 months 2 weeks ago #84869
Here? No this place is a nice day at the spaw. Beautiful connections. Great personality. I was being discreate. But is a really dark places. I was quoting people fro. Their when talking about the numbers from in person paid monthly clubs decline in participation. They HATE norfolk pines and will hate you if you defend it. This picture obviously wasnt done by someone with perfect artistic tough but the shear potential in "heretical" plants is truly stifling growth. I follow a lot of south american and aussie artist they have the right attitude and are doing incredible things with araucaria angustifolia and the huon pine. All of which act much like a pine you can candle any time of the year. You should seriously check out renardo hoenigs work, he passed this year in september im still sore but he broke the mold. 
by syconisperm

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Replied by syconisperm on topic We have a problem and its us.

Posted 2 months 2 weeks ago #84870
Right but i do heartly believe ypur not seeing or underestimating the problem. I hate bannanas on walls. But right now by denying the potential of simply just the norfolk pine for purely a singleton example of a broader expression,  if we dont let it expand we will be playing led zepplin forever. I love zepplin. But i cant imagine a world without iron madain. Or metallica (first 4 albums ill die on that hill) this place is just someplace. Im simply saying what i am saying hoping maybe animal....from might drift by and ses this photo and enbaress themself trying to deny what the photons emminating from their phone screen are showing them. I mean look at it. Its georgous....looks like a cryptomeria/weeping willow. Like a remu tree or a massive huon pine. Im so i love with its gnarled roots and the way the bark and foliage seams ancient or reptilian and shows potential for the unknown. That is not a bannana on a wall, thats punk rock. THAT BEING SAID im just looking to socialize with a bit of a nipping. Like a parrot. I will say this....this free bird....will....never....accept....those...stupid....sprouted coconut....."bonsai" that....that my friend is your hypothetical banana on a wall. By the way i clipped all the branchs on my monkey puzzle tree. Good sir. It is back budding. Uncharted territory lays ahead. I can hear lateralus playing already.
by syconisperm

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Replied by syconisperm on topic We have a problem and its us.

Posted 2 months 2 weeks ago #84871
I love him
by syconisperm

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Replied by Tropfrog on topic We have a problem and its us.

Posted 2 months 2 weeks ago #84872
I agree with the people on bonsainut. Norfolk fine is not a good species for bonsai. Maybe in south america, but not here. I would not recomend anyone in my area waste time on them.

But yes, the NIP on the picture you show is very nice. Please provide a picture of your own creations.
by Tropfrog

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Replied by leatherback on topic We have a problem and its us.

Posted 2 months 2 weeks ago #84873

syconisperm wrote: I mean look at it. Its georgous....looks like a cryptomeria/weeping willow. Like a remu tree or a massive huon pine. Im so i love with its gnarled roots and the way the bark and foliage seams ancient or reptilian and shows potential for the unknown.

Meh, I do not really. I think it is messy. The roots look like nobody ever even tried to clean up the tangle. The foliage. Mwa.
But people should decide what they want to work on. Some species however are easier than others to create realistic bonsai from. Where you draw the line is very personal. You mention a coconut in a pot as being beyond the limit. But some get really angry when you say you d not feel that should be seen as a bonsai.
by leatherback

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Replied by leatherback on topic We have a problem and its us.

Posted 2 months 2 weeks ago #84874

syconisperm wrote:  But is a really dark places. I was quoting people fro. Their when talking about the numbers from in person paid monthly clubs decline in participation. They HATE norfolk pines and will hate you if you defend it. 

I think it is bad form to come and complain on one forum re. people on another forum. This is not bonsainut. Keep your complaints to that forum, and join this forum with a fresh outlook separate from experiences elsewhere maybe?
by leatherback
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