
Overview of the exhibition and the winning trees

In this post we share the winning trees of the 2023 Trophy exhibition, which took place in Genk, Belgium.

The Trophy is the main Bonsai event of Europe and apart from the large display area, there are over 100 traders, live demonstrations and special displays. First of all we share an overview of the show, scroll down for the winning trees. Enjoy!

Overview of the show

Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
Overview of the show.
Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
Overview of the show.
Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
Overview of the show.
Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
Overview of the show.
Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
Overview of the show.
Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
Overview of the show.
Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
Overview of the show.
Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
Overview of the show.
Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
Overview of the show.
Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
Overview of the show.
Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
Overview of the show.

The Winning trees

Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
First prize conifers. Pinus Mugo by Ruben Ciezar Villanueva.
Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
First prize conifers. Closeup of the pot.
Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
First prize conifers. Seen from far away.
Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
First prize deciduous trees. Pseudocydonia sinensis by Manfred Roth.
Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
First prize shohin displays. A composition by Jikan-en Bonsai Laboratory
Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
First prize Kifu. Juniperus chinensis sargentii by Alexandre Escudero

Special displays and more

Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
Suiseki displays.
Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
Suiseki with a special mention.
Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
Bonsai pot display.
Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
Sakka Ten special display.
Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
Sakka Ten special display.
Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
Live demonstrations.
Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
The Exhibition hall.
Trophy Bonsai Exhibition 2023
One of the trader areas.

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Aqua Bonsai

Aqua Bonsai

Bonsai trees growing in just water?

Aqua Bonsai
Bag end

Bag end

The miniature version of Bag End

Bag end
Top 10

Top 10

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Top 10

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