
1st WBFF Regional Convention & PPBI

Over 400 trees were displayed at the WBFF Regional Convention, Surabaya - also the PPBI Piala Presiden Bonsai exhibition.

This massive amount of trees on display was a selection out of 1000 submitted entries. This truly was an amazing show and we are glad to share the beautiful and distinctive Indonesian style of Bonsai with you!

PPBI and WBFF Bonsai exhibition
Pemphis acidula
PPBI and WBFF Bonsai exhibition
Premna microphyla
PPBI and WBFF Bonsai exhibition
The exhibition area
PPBI and WBFF Bonsai exhibition
Also in the exhibition
PPBI and WBFF Bonsai exhibition
On the right one of the five main winning trees, a Casuarina.
PPBI and WBFF Bonsai exhibition
Another winning tree, a Pemphis acidula Bonsai
PPBI and WBFF Bonsai exhibition
Winning the International prize, a Hibiscus
PPBI and WBFF Bonsai exhibition
Winning tree, a Malpighia glabra (Barbados cherry)
PPBI and WBFF Bonsai exhibition
Last winning tree, another Hibiscus
PPBI and WBFF Bonsai exhibition
Overview of the winning trees, also see the video below for more details!
PPBI and WBFF Bonsai exhibition
Show opening

Indonesian Bonsai tree species

Pemphis Acidula: Commonly found in coastal areas, this hardy shrub is valued for its twisted, gnarled branches and tiny leaves, which create a dramatic, aged appearance.

Premna Microphyla: This species is admired for its small, delicate leaves and smooth, pale bark. Premna Microphyla is often used to create intricate, artistic bonsai designs.

Wrightia Religiosa: Also known as the Water Jasmine, this species is cherished for its fragrant white flowers and graceful, slender branches.

Casuarina Equisetifolia: Known as the Australian Pine, this species features needle-like foliage and a unique, textured bark. It is well-suited to coastal areas.

Ficus Microcarpa and Retusa: Known for its small, glossy leaves and intricate root systems, Ficus Microcarpa is a versatile species that can be shaped into various bonsai styles.

Streblus Asper: With its rough, textured leaves and rugged trunk, Streblus Asper is ideal for creating rugged, natural-looking bonsai. It is often used to depict ancient, windswept trees.

Carmona Microphylla: Also known as Fukien Tea, this species is popular for its small, dark green leaves and tiny white flowers. Carmona Microphylla is a versatile species that can be shaped into a variety of styles.

Video of the Exhibition

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