
Pinus in Ikadabuki (Raft) style

In the year 2005, it happened that through a very good friend of mine I was able to see some pictures of sales materials.

I was looking for a Pinus Sylvestris able to fly off my collection and to provoke emotions, the less artificial possible, remaining enchanted every time I looked through it. I was shocked immediately by this exemplar for its maturity due to the ages of cultivation in vase and for its style (ikadabuki) very rare and suggestive. My compliments go to the previous owner Peter Brown, for excellent cultivation all over these years, and to Gordon Duffet for the magnificent vase.

When I can work this kind of materials, on which previous artists have already worked and kept for years, I prefer do not twist completely the plant, respecting the very good job already done, but giving, of course, my set up. From here the Italian story of this exemplar starts with a restyling; find below all the stages of the processing. Or read more about Pine bonsai care.

The Pinus sylvestris

Pinus sylvestris bonsai tree

Pictures 1 and 2.

The exemplar before the restyling: front and back


Picture 3.

The cortex lived, the great quantity of the branches and the layout of the main trunks, are unique qualities of this exemplar, they give it a suggestive aspect and they are a very interesting point able to attract the observer attention.

Photo 1

Photo 2

Pictures 4 and 5.

Before and after the removal of the old needles. The first operation to do is the cleaning and the removal from old needles: let’s leave only the needles generated in the last year. As first thing, this job allows you to make the plant neater and it stimulates the moving back of the vegetation through the awakening of the sleeping gems. This process will consent that the solar light could pass through the leafage avoiding the emptying of the internal part of the plant.

Pinus bonsai

Picture 6.

The rolling up job with copper wire should be very meticulous so to avoid that the wire will not create an impact optical effect. A good positioning of the Bonsai wiring, without overlapping, will avoid the above mentioned effect. Working in this way, it will be possible to set every single branch and every single group of needles in an excellent position, the wire presence will not have a strong optical impact and the vegetation will result regular.

Pinus sylvestris

Picture 7.

The elimination of the main defects is a very important process in order to increase the interesting points. Otherwise, every observer will be shocked by the possible slight blemish and only after could appreciate the worth of the Bonsai. This exemplar is strongly penalized by the presence of a frontal branch that, besides being in a too low position and too close to the ground, it even hides the foot of the tree, that is a worth element.

Pine bonsai

Picture 8.

After the elimination of the branch, the fragment is turned in Deadwood (Jin and Shari).


Picture 9.

The enchanting composition of the branches. The aspect of the exemplar after the elimination of the lowest branch. After this process the front of the plant will be more open to the observer and more balanced and intriguing. Now it is possible to decide the right proportions to define the higher branches and the peak.

Finished pine tree

Picture 10.

Personally I am very satisfied of the result obtained, enriching the natural style of this plant that after the fall, due to weather adversities, is able to generate big branches that after become real trunks. This is a wonderful example of how the life can react to the natural misfortune.
In the end of the year 2010, the tree passes property to dear friend Andy Dorfliger Switzerland, now it is up to his carry on this great work.

Written by: Stefano Frisoni

"Graduated in Agriculture, Stefano developed a great sense of style for Bonsai, especially in Yamadori trees. Some of his works were presented at UBI, Ginkgo Bonsai Award, Crespi Cup, Certre International Award, etc.".

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