Trophy XVI

Noelanders Trophy 2015, Belgium

This year's Noelanders Trophy was held at a new location; bigger, more spacious and simply better. The trees on display were of outstanding quality and at least 5 trees reached the level of almost-perfection. Selecting the winner must have been difficult for this year's demonstrators; Ryan Neil, Salvatore Liporace and Seok Ju Kim.

The winning tree was an absolutely stunning Pinus Pentaphylla (Japanese Five needle pine), by Andres Alvarez Iglesias (styling by Mario Komsta). Watch the video below for an overview of the Bonsai trees displayed at the exhibition.

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A few impressions of this year's Noelanders Trophy

Chamaecyparis Obtusa (Japanese Cypress)
By Marcus Watts, styling by Masahiko Kimura

Pinus Pentaphylla (Japanese Five needle pine)
By Andres Alvarez Iglesias, styling by Mario Komsta

Ulmus Minor (Field Elm)
By Othmar Auer

Pinus Parviflora Kokonoe (Japanese Five needle Pine)
By Mark & Ritta Cooper

Pinus Sylvestris
By Gil Marriner

Juniperus Chinensis (Chinese Juniper)
By Luis Balino

Taxus Baccata
By Tomas Bustamante Gomez

Acer Palmatum (Japanese maple)
By Othmar Auer

An overview of the exhibition area

The video

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