Bonsai artist

Bonsai expert profile

Leigh Taafe

I began studying bonsai at the age of 14, enjoying it as a hobby through school and university. There weren’t too many opportunities to study with a master here in Australia, and without the internet in those days, most of my early learning was from books, particularly “The Complete Book of Bonsai” by UK artist Harry Tomlinson.

Leigh TaafeAfter 10 years working in the IT industry, I decided to open a commercial bonsai nursery in Australia’s capital, Canberra. It was a small operation creating bonsai for retail and commercial customers. I was fortunate to be inducted to the Association of Australian Bonsai Club’s prestigious Visiting Tutor Program after winning a number of awards for ‘Best in Show’ and ‘People’s Choice’ at a variety of exhibitions. I often conduct demonstrations and workshops at conventions, exhibitions and societies across the country. Most recently I was invited to represent Australia at the ‘Bonsai Without Borders Convention’ in China. I am currently employed as the Curator of the National Bonsai and Penjing Collection of Australia (NBPCA) at the National Arboretum Canberra.

Some of Leigh Taafe's Bonsai trees


Catlin elm
Catlin elm

Ligustrum undulatum

Ligustrum undulatum

Contact information

Location: Canberra, Australia
Email: Leigh.Taafe (at)

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