
Tomohiro Masumi's Koju-en Shohin nursery

広樹園 - Kojuen has a large collection of superb Shohin trees, both deciduous and coniferous, beautifully displayed in a Kyoto-urban garden setting.

Koju-en Bonsai video

Owned by Tomohiro Masumi (one of the most respected and well-known Shohin masters in Japan), this nursery is very centrally located near Toji temple. Bonsai classes (on Bonsai and Shohin care) are offered every 4th Sunday of the month.

How to get there

From Kyoto central station take the south exit and walk 15 minutes to the west down Hachijo Dori. About halfway you will cross Toji temple, also worth visiting (and there is a Bonsai market every 21st of the month).

Kojuen address: 19 Isono-cho, Karahashi Minami-ku, Kyoto 601-8462 (Tel. 075-691-5296).
English spoken: Yes
Official website:kojuen.webu.jp

Kojuen Shohin nursery

Kojuen, Kyoto

Map of Koju-en in Kyoto

Kojuen Shohin nursery, Kyoto
Open this map in Google Maps: Koju-en Shohin garden.

Koju-ten Shohin exhibition

The Koju-ten exhibition is held every year in late October, at the Zuishinin Temple. Several Shohin and Bonsai are very stylishly displayed inside the temple, which is really a great setting.

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