Brush cherry Bonsai Care guidelines
The Brush Cherry likes sunny, warm locations. It can tolerate full sun but partial shade is recommended in the hottest areas. The Brush Cherry must be protected from frost and cold draught. In winter you can place it in a greenhouse or indoors. Do not place it above a heating device. The Brush Cherry does not like a lot of variation in temperature.
Water thoroughly when the soil gets dry. Do not water the tree if the soil is still wet. It is better to use rain water if your tap water is hard. Try to provide sufficient humidity for the Eugenia myrtifolia and Syzygium bonsai. Continue reading about watering Bonsai trees.
Free lecture from the Beginners CourseUse a fertilizer for acid-loving plants like Azaleas every two weeks from spring to autumn and once a month in winter.
Like many species which are used for hedges, the Brush Cherry grows vigorously and needs to be pruned quite often. Shorten new shoots to 1 or 2 leaf pairs after 6 to 8 leaf pairs have grown. Larger cut wounds don't heal well, so try to avoid causing some. Continue reading about pruning Bonsai trees.
The Brush Cherry can be wired during the growing season. Protect the Brush Cherry's branches as they scar easily. Don't leave the wire on too long and cut the wire carefully from the tree. If you try to unwind the wire you might break some of the branches.
Repot every two years in spring and prune the roots moderately. Use a standard bonsai soil mix or azalea soil like Kanuma. Continue reading about repotting Bonsai trees.
The Brush Cherry tree can be propagated from seeds and cuttings.
The Brush Cherry can be attacked by scale, mealy bugs, Caribbean fruit fly, aphids, and spider mites. Use specific pesticides to get rid of those pests. For more detailed information on these techniques, check out our Bonsai tree care section.

Brush cherry bonsai tree

Leaves of the Brush cherry

Eugenia myrtifolia, Syzygium bonsai

Brush cherry bonsai tree
General information about the Brush cherry Bonsai tree
The Brush Cherry is an evergreen tree or shrub . The small dark green lance-shaped leaves are are firm, glossy and are arranged in opposite leaf pairs. In spring, the Brush Cherry may bear small puffy white flowers. The ripe red fruits in autumn are edible and birds like them. In Australia the Brush Cherry is often sheared to form hedges. If it is allowed to grow as a tree, it has a single trunk and a bushy, oval canopy. It does not tolerate frost. If you need help identifying your tree, take a look at our Bonsai tree identification guide.