Over one hundred great trees on display, interesting lectures and demonstrations, free workshops for children and a wonderful location; the Bonsai Europa event was held last weekend and we share the winning trees here.
The winning trees of Bonsai Europa 2017
We kindly thank Mark and Ritta Cooper for sharing these photos with us. We asked Tony to share some insights for each winning tree; helping us understand how to value the winners and understand their qualities.

Mark and Ritta Cooper are multi award winners both in Japan and Europe, they set the benchmark for other to meet. This display was exceptional, perfectly balanced with matre tree, a credit to their craftsmanship.

Beautifully presented this Itoigawa Juniper is vibrant with the swirling deadwood and beautifully styled foliage.

Displaying beautiful autumn colours that moved towards the top of the tree during the two days of the show. Superb presentation and a favourite of many visitors.

Probably the hardest style to convincingly execute. Terry’s tree has been 15 years in the making, the expressive deadwood compliments the rugged stone on which the tree is planted. Two Kusamono! With a reed windswept delivered a stunning display.

The superb ramification, rugged bark and dynamic trunk line delivered a naturalistic unforced appearance to the tree. This Hawthorn was worth winner in a very large category.

Quite a large kusamono that complimented the tree, wild in its appearance with the use of Ivy to wrap around branches looked very naturalistic.