It took us a while, but Bonsai Empire finally launched its app - designed to help you make better Bonsai!
The Bonsai Care App allows you to add your trees and set reminders, with smart advice based on the tree species and time of year. Plus, you can easily add photos so you can keep track of your tree's progression.

When adding a tree, the app will ask for the tree species (or help you identify it) and it suggests the proper spot to place the tree. You snap a picture of the tree and decide if you want to enable reminders for its care, like fertilizing or repotting. If you set the app to intermediate or advanced level, it will skip the placement advice and tailor to a more advanced user.

Once added, the app keeps track of all updates you make on the tree. Also, photos you take are shown per year, so you can see its progression in a glance. If you fertilize several trees, you can select the trees in the app and set them to 'fertilized' in one click.
When a reminder pops up, it will tell your to perform a technique (say, fertilize your tree), but it also provide links to relevant information about this technique. The app is designed to provide all the information that Bonsai Empire has, tailored to the right tree species, at the moments you most need them!
The app is a free download, and without paying you can use the app with five trees. Paying users can add an unlimited amount of trees and can access pro features like setting custom reminders, etc.
Quick video of the app
For more info check out the Bonsai Care App website.