The Abandoned
Power plant

Bonsai display in a powerplant

Azuma Makoto surprises us again with another great Bonsai display, this time inside an abandoned power plant. We talked to the artist about his latest work of art.

Originally built in the 1920's, this coal plant was operational for almost a century. It is located in Belgium, close to Brussels. Its cooling tower is still in good condition, though overgrown with weeds and moss. A spectacular location for creative artists and photographers, like Azuma.

The Bonsai tree on display (a pine) is bare rooted, a statement by the artist about our human desire to control energy. Rest assured, unlike his previous displays (think; Bonsai in Space, and Frozen bonsai) this time he repotted the tree after the shoot. The tree is doing fine.

Let's stop talking; enjoy the photos!

Abandoned Powerplant bonsai display

Abandoned Powerplant bonsai display closeup

Abandoned Powerplant bonsai display closeup 2

Abandoned Powerplant bonsai display

Abandoned Powerplant bonsai display

Abandoned Powerplant bonsai display

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