Ficus Benjamina
- Leslie
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Hi All, 
I am wondering if there is anyone who is experienced in wiring and pruning the Ficus Benjamina. I have a Ficus (Too Little) Benjamina, her name is *Jamina*
, and she has been sprouting a lot of new leaves recently. I am aware that the Benjamina must be pruned carefully and gradually to prevent shock and die-back. I would like to begin working on "Jamina's" style with wiring and some pruning (if the timing is right) however, I'm not very experienced in this
. I've only pruned and wired one plant recently however, because the Benjamina is more *challenging* I would really appreciate any advice and suggestions you might have.

I am wondering if there is anyone who is experienced in wiring and pruning the Ficus Benjamina. I have a Ficus (Too Little) Benjamina, her name is *Jamina*

by Leslie
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- manofthetrees
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howdy leslie,
i have never herd that a benjimina is any tougher to work with than anty other ficus but i don't have one so what do i know
.going on what i know of my retusa and nutrifolia if it is sprouting it is a good time for pruning.
starting out are you looking for smaller leaves and more branching? if yes totaly defoliate, it's scary i know but it will be fine, just remember cut the leaf stem between the leaf and branch so there is a stem left
now branches that you want longer you will want to leave the bud tip on the branch, pruning it will stop terminal growth but lead to more back budding.
it is also sooo much easier to wire after the leaves are gone. i start on the lower branches 1 or 2 at a time and get the main thick branches wired ,once the leaves are gone and the mains are wired i will move them into position and do the finer branch wiring
i also recomend having a paper towel or peice of paper nearby to put cut leaves and branches on the sap can get a little messy.
once your work is done i recomend misting the branches a couple times a day and keeping it on a long (16 to 20 hour)light schedual and in 2 to 3 weeks you will have leaves again.
i have found that doing work like this gave me a much more intimate relationship with my will probubly notice things you haven't before. it can also be weirdly of luck can't wait for the updates
i have never herd that a benjimina is any tougher to work with than anty other ficus but i don't have one so what do i know

starting out are you looking for smaller leaves and more branching? if yes totaly defoliate, it's scary i know but it will be fine, just remember cut the leaf stem between the leaf and branch so there is a stem left
now branches that you want longer you will want to leave the bud tip on the branch, pruning it will stop terminal growth but lead to more back budding.
it is also sooo much easier to wire after the leaves are gone. i start on the lower branches 1 or 2 at a time and get the main thick branches wired ,once the leaves are gone and the mains are wired i will move them into position and do the finer branch wiring
i also recomend having a paper towel or peice of paper nearby to put cut leaves and branches on the sap can get a little messy.
once your work is done i recomend misting the branches a couple times a day and keeping it on a long (16 to 20 hour)light schedual and in 2 to 3 weeks you will have leaves again.
i have found that doing work like this gave me a much more intimate relationship with my will probubly notice things you haven't before. it can also be weirdly of luck can't wait for the updates
by manofthetrees
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- Leslie
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Hi Keith!
Thank you so much for your response!
Yes, the Benjamina is a little more *delicate* than the other Ficuses...(Fici?):blink: It cannot take major pruning like the others and a couple of leaves must be left on the end of a branch otherwise the whole branch will die back. I've seen it happen on mine.
However, the information you have shared is extremely helpful since I will be able to apply some of it to my *Jamina* and all of it to my other plants.
Yes, I am looking for smaller leaves 'and' more branching as well as some guidance on "directional pruning". I believe it is not advisable to feed the plant for at least a month after this work has been that right?
I can completely understand what you are saying about developing an intimate relationship with your trees...thank you so much for sharing that!
The work would naturally be exhausting due to both your relationship with the tree and the creative process that is unfolding as you work.
Hopefully, I can get some more guidance specific to the Benjamina. I will keep you posted.
Thank you so much for your response!

Yes, the Benjamina is a little more *delicate* than the other Ficuses...(Fici?):blink: It cannot take major pruning like the others and a couple of leaves must be left on the end of a branch otherwise the whole branch will die back. I've seen it happen on mine.
However, the information you have shared is extremely helpful since I will be able to apply some of it to my *Jamina* and all of it to my other plants.

I can completely understand what you are saying about developing an intimate relationship with your trees...thank you so much for sharing that!

Hopefully, I can get some more guidance specific to the Benjamina. I will keep you posted.

by Leslie
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- manofthetrees
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well everything i have read on f.bengi says that defoiliating is fine to do. one post was even from jerry melsnik whom is one of the u.s's top ficus bonsai growers ( he gave me advice on my retusa when i started) so cut em all off it'll be fine. if you want, leave some of the end buds but no leaves. as i said before mist it regularly you will notice the newer branches will get greener. i think this is the tree compensting for the lost leaves and still photosynthisizing through the branches. i sugjest a stronger lightsource too,this will help reduce leaf size
by manofthetrees
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- Leslie
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LOL! :lol: I'm in the middle of reading Jerry Meislik's book, "Ficus-the Exotic Bonsai". This is where I got the information from regarding the F.Benj. However, because this book covers many Ficus species in general, there's only a very little bit of info specific to the Benj.(at least so far, I'm half way thru the book). ...sigh... I have the link to his you think I would be able to contact him via his website and ask for his advice?
Now *that* would be very cool!
How did you get advice from him? :woohoo: I'm so jealous! Seriously, tho...I'm extremely nervous.....she's already lost the upper half of her trunk, I don't want to kill her. :ohmy:

How did you get advice from him? :woohoo: I'm so jealous! Seriously, tho...I'm extremely nervous.....she's already lost the upper half of her trunk, I don't want to kill her. :ohmy:
by Leslie
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- manofthetrees
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i ran into him on a australian forum. i had to wait a month for him to pop in but the info he gave was reasuring
by manofthetrees
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- Leslie
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Okay, Bonsai Friends...
Here are the latest photos of Jamina from all four sides...the first one being her front. It looks as tho I'll be going with the *wind-swept* form (unless anyone else has other ideas or visions)...any suggestions for wiring of the trunk and branches?
Because she lost the top half of her trunk due to her previous illness, she also lost part of the gentle 'S' curve she previously had. I'm thinking I should take the upper-most branch and make it the new apex and, while viewing her from the front, wiring it to bend up and over the old trunk to make it grow toward her right side in the direction of the other *wind-swept* branches. Then there is the challenge of that one, lone branch on her left side (your right), growing in the opposite direction of the other branches. :pinch: do I wire it to bend it around towards the back of the tree or must it be removed?
Any other ideas/suggestions are welcome. Thank you for viewing!

Here are the latest photos of Jamina from all four sides...the first one being her front. It looks as tho I'll be going with the *wind-swept* form (unless anyone else has other ideas or visions)...any suggestions for wiring of the trunk and branches?
Because she lost the top half of her trunk due to her previous illness, she also lost part of the gentle 'S' curve she previously had. I'm thinking I should take the upper-most branch and make it the new apex and, while viewing her from the front, wiring it to bend up and over the old trunk to make it grow toward her right side in the direction of the other *wind-swept* branches. Then there is the challenge of that one, lone branch on her left side (your right), growing in the opposite direction of the other branches. :pinch: do I wire it to bend it around towards the back of the tree or must it be removed?
Any other ideas/suggestions are welcome. Thank you for viewing!

by Leslie
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- Leslie
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Hmmmmm...the more I look at her, the more I see that needs adjusting.:blink: For example, (again, viewing her front in the first photo) the lowest branch on your left seems much too low (according to the "rules"...should I remove it?
Also, looking at the main large branch on the left/middle side of the it too large in diameter? Would it even be considered a branch or a split trunk? :S many questions.
Also, looking at the main large branch on the left/middle side of the it too large in diameter? Would it even be considered a branch or a split trunk? :S many questions.
by Leslie
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- manofthetrees
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ha ha it took me 3 months of staring to do the first cut on my big retusa... o.k heres what i think based on pic#1
-leave the first branch it needs some developing but i don't think it is too low.
-were the trunk splits to the left side leave the first branch lose the rest.
-the right side leave the first branch lose the rest again.
this is a little extreme but it creates a gentle trunk taper and gives you some branch stock to work with later .i wouldn't be concerned with wireing and just let her grow.if she takes the chop well and you start getting vigourus growth i would defoliate in 3 months or will also end up with 2 large cuttings (babies):woohoo: just my opinion
-leave the first branch it needs some developing but i don't think it is too low.
-were the trunk splits to the left side leave the first branch lose the rest.
-the right side leave the first branch lose the rest again.
this is a little extreme but it creates a gentle trunk taper and gives you some branch stock to work with later .i wouldn't be concerned with wireing and just let her grow.if she takes the chop well and you start getting vigourus growth i would defoliate in 3 months or will also end up with 2 large cuttings (babies):woohoo: just my opinion
by manofthetrees
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- Leslie
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Keith, when you say "-the right side..." are you referring to the right side of the left trunk still? :huh:
by Leslie
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