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Is this tree ready for styling.

  • Tropfrog
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Replied by Tropfrog on topic Is this tree ready for styling.

Posted 1 year 9 months ago #80411
Obviously you are not done making a moyogi style tree :). I don't think your styling work even support that style. Moyogi style have a first directional branch on the first or second bend. You have remowed all possible branches. Junipers do backbud, but not reliable and not often where you want them. Go get a lottery ticket.

With current situation the only reasonable style is bunjin. Your work did not support your vision. And the vision was weak itself. It was formed in just a few hours.

Now the growth speed to thicken the trunk is reduced to about 15%. We are talking decades and there are no option it can develop taper left.

There are no set rules for how to develop a bonsai. But it is important to understand that every decition will influence the time it takes to get there. Focusing on trunk thickening and taper first is the fastest way. For that you need foliage. Now you took a decition in less than a few hours that set you back decades in development.

The focus right now should be survival, nothing else. You made a reduction of the foliage that are a lot heavier than what is safe and you did it in totally the wrong time wich increase the risk a lot. Before you did it you went to a forum for advice, which is good, but you simply ignored almost every advice you got. Keep on doing that and the experienced members will ignore future questions from you.

I sincerely hope the tree survive, but I strongly doubt it. If it does not, then you are done :)
Last Edit:1 year 9 months ago by Tropfrog
Last edit: 1 year 9 months ago by Tropfrog.

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