Bonsai forum

Overwatered or underwatered?

  • Dominic C
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Replied by Dominic C on topic Overwatered or underwatered?

Posted 2 years 8 months ago #77109
Ok, I'll take all that onboard but the reason I got it was to be able to have indoors and tend to there etc. And the species of tree I got was suggested by this site:

"Which Bonsai is best for indoors?
There are several tropical and subtropical trees that you can grow indoor. The most common, and the easiest to care for, is the Ficus Bonsai. The Ficus is tolerant of low humidity and is very resilient, making it an excellent choice for beginners.

Other popular indoor Bonsai include the Dwarf jade, the Fukien tea (Carmona), the Hawaiian umbrella (Schefflera), and the Sweet plum (Sageretia). If you select one of these trees and care for it properly, your Bonsai will thrive indoor."
by Dominic C

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  • Scimitarboy
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Replied by Scimitarboy on topic Overwatered or underwatered?

Posted 2 years 8 months ago #77111
Thats a fair comment Dom - it CAN be kept indoors, if conditions are kept at optimal levels - but the optimal conditions are those given in some of the previous replies, and not really practical to replicate within the typical home... placing the tree outside to experience actual weather and nocturnal / diurnal cycles and seasons will more closely match its natural needs and give you a healthier and more long-lived tree.
Good luck with it anyway, and don't lose heart - even some seasoned pro's will lose a tree occasionally!
by Scimitarboy

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