- joncoh101
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Guys, i have noticed that the organic pellet fertiliser i use on my plants is enjoyed by the local cats in my neighbourhood.. I have seen the piles of fertiliser dropping in height aswell as the soil in my pots scraped away. At first i thought it was birds but my mom reccons its the cats. So the question is should i wait up at night to see if it is cats and shoot them with my air rifle or is there another option?

by joncoh101
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- Pinkham
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wait up for them and when they come....spray them with a squirt gun. They'll come back. i think your only solution is to move the plants and fertilizer to another location.
by Pinkham
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- malaqias
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nr1-make a slingshot.
nr2-Find some stones.(small and round work better)
nr3-Sit and wait.
nr4-make sure you're ready when they come.

As sad as it might be, they'll just find the plants and fertilizer again. Cats will be Cats.
i've grown up on a neighborhood where there are cats everywhere. and you just can't get around Them. You can try keeping a small bowl with catfood away from you plants. they might leave your plants alone for a while, but in the long term there will probably be more cats around.
nr2-Find some stones.(small and round work better)
nr3-Sit and wait.
nr4-make sure you're ready when they come.

As sad as it might be, they'll just find the plants and fertilizer again. Cats will be Cats.
i've grown up on a neighborhood where there are cats everywhere. and you just can't get around Them. You can try keeping a small bowl with catfood away from you plants. they might leave your plants alone for a while, but in the long term there will probably be more cats around.
by malaqias
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- joncoh101
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Lol! Thanks guys, the thing is, i dont want to move my plants from where they are now, because in the other places i have tried, they have either been too windy or the sun is too strong. The place where they are now allows for dappled shade aswell as sun from around 10:00-13:00 which is ideal
by joncoh101
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- Leslie
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I certainly wouldn't shoot them!!! :ohmy: You can buy a spray repellent for dogs and cats from pet stores, hardware stores or any of the large department stores. could try sprinkling cayan (sp?) powder on the ground around your plants. You will have to re-sprinkle after it rains.
Yes, I found over the years that any dog or cat pets we had always wanted to drink my liquid fertilizer "is" food.
Good luck in finding a safe way to discourage the cats.
Yes, I found over the years that any dog or cat pets we had always wanted to drink my liquid fertilizer "is" food.
Good luck in finding a safe way to discourage the cats.

by Leslie
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- joncoh101
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Haha i love animals i would never hurt one, the vet down the road says they have had animals on drips from eating bounceback which is the fertiliser i use. So i have warned my neighbours
by joncoh101
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- Leslie
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What did the vet mean by "they have had animals on drips" intervenus(sp)? So it makes them really sick? :sick:
by Leslie
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- manofthetrees
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cats are you sure...i just see no reason for cats to go after fert. rodents i see more feasable. i have had a vole that used my coral bark maples pot as a front door to it's nest,chewed right through the nursery pots bottom.
maybe try cheyanne pepper powder to deter whatever it is.i just don't know if it will breed mold???
maybe try cheyanne pepper powder to deter whatever it is.i just don't know if it will breed mold???
by manofthetrees
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- joncoh101
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Yip real hospital drips, so it makes them very sick. Iv caught my dog eating it before too although he sleeps in bed with me at night so it wouldnt be him, the house is locked at night so it can either be rodents or cats
by joncoh101
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